242 ARTICLE TECHNIQUE Petits ARNs de plantes / Plant small RNAs Petits ARNs de plantes/ Plant small RNAs Capturer le potentiel épigénétique des plantes Ashland a développé et breveté la Plant SmallRNA (PSR) technology,™ une technologie d’extraction innovante, à haut potentiel d’efficacité, pour la création de nouveaux extraits botaniques riche en phytocomposés générés par la plante lors de son adaptation à son environnement. Cette technologie permet lagénération de nouveauxextraits botaniques, conte-nant notamment des petitsARNs, qui peuvent êtreApplication de la PSRtechnology sur diverses™matières premièresbotaniquesles fruits, les graines ou encore les fleurs(Figure 1). Dans cet article, quatre typesde matières premières botaniques sontconsidérés, des graines de baobab, desfruits frais d’hibiscus, des fleurs fraîches utilisés comme ingrédients cosmétiquesLa technologie PSR a été conçue etde rosa et des fleurs séchées de lavande. naturels. Ainsi cette technologie d’extrac-personnalisée pour différentes espècesCes différentes matières végétales ont tion permet de capturer les avantages et lebotaniques et différentes parties deété utilisées pour développer des extraits Pe potentiel épigénétique des plantes.plantes, comme les racines, les feuilles,avec la technologie PSR. Ces plantes Capturing epigenetic potential of plants Plant Small RNA (PSR) technology is an innovative extraction technology™ developed and patented by Ashland, with a high potential of efficacy to create novel botanical extract rich in phytocompounds generated by plants while they adapt to their environment. This technology allows the genera-tion of new generation of botani-cal extracts containing in parti-cular small RNAs, which can beHere four representative botanical rawmaterials, baobab seeds, hibiscus freshfruit, rosa fresh flower and lavender driedflowers were used to develop PSR extracts.PSR technology, compared to conventio-™nal extraction process. The total quantity ofeach phytoconstituent was determined, allPSR extracts showed a singular composi- used as natural cosmetic ingredients. TheAll these plants are known for their capacitytion, in proteins, amino acids, sugars and technology allows to capture the benefitsto adapt to environmental stresses, such polyphenols. and epigenetic potential of plants.as drought, strong UV exposure, bioticSmall RNA content was quantified by stresses, all under the control of small RNAsBioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent). The results Application of PSR that have been described to be involvedshowed that only plant extracts developed technology on various™ in numerous primary and secondary plantwith the PSR technology contained small™ botanical raw material metabolism processes. To demonstrate theRNAs, between 2060 mg/L depending potential to use PSR technology versus™which part of the plant is used. By contrast, The PSR technology was designed and™conventional extraction, seed, flower andin the extracts obtained with the conven- customized for different botanical speciesfruit extracts were developed with bothtional extraction process, and the negative and different parts of plants, like roots,type of extraction processes.control, small RNAs were not present leaves, fruits, seeds or flowers (Figure 1 ).The yield of extraction is often better when(Figure 2). 2020 - Guide des ingrédients cosmétiques Expression Cosmétique