106 INGRÉDIENTS Lancements / Launches de rosiers étaient brûlées, générant ainsi du CO dans l’atmosphère, ou2 compostées dans le meilleur des cas. Désormais valorisées, elles se retrou- veront dans des produits anti-âges, réparant les peaux fragiles, éclair- cissant des tâches, et protégeant la peau des attaques de la pollution. MIBELLE BIOCHEMISTRY - MOSSCELLTEC ALOE :™ STADE PROTONEMA (A) ET JEUNES PLANTS DE MOUSSES D’ALOINA ALOIDES (B) PROTONEMA STAGE (A) AND YOUNG ALOINA ALOIDES MOSS PLANTS (B) indépendamment de la saisonnalité moss culture technology. This process et des demandes du marché. ensures the mass production of moss cells under sterile conditions. Repro- MIBELLE BIOCHEMISTRY ducible, it preserves endangered NISSACTIVE DEVELOPS MOISTURISES THE SKIN moss species while guaranteeing AN ACTIVE INGREDIENT WITH ALOE MOSS all the benefits of their skin proper- FROM ROSE STEMS ties. MossCellTec is inspired by the™ ability of moss cells to divide after leaf On the occasion of its 30th anniver- fragmentation (asexual reproduction).The Riviera start-up is launching a sary, Mibelle Biochemistry unveiled Although obtained in small quantitiescosmetic active made from rose stems. its latest launch: a moisturizing activeafter harvesting, the cells of AloinaA first with scientifically proven anti- that harmonizes the skin’s moisture aloides are grown to the protonema inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti- flow, MossCellTec Aloe (INCI: Xylitol™stage (germ spore,Phto) and areos ageing benefits for which a patent (And) Caprylyl Glycol (And) Ketoglu- sufficient forindustrial production.has just been filed. The result of a taric Acid (And) Aqua / Water). Theresulting vegetable foam is gentlyclose collaboration with the University Derived from the Aloina aloides moss homogenised, cold-pressed and filte-of Côte d’Azur, which makes use of known for its strong water retention red.The plant materil is ree froma fa product that is usually discarded. capacities, the active ingredient environmental contamiaon (pl-olunti Until now, roses stems were burnt, improves the cell-to-cell communica- tants and pesticides) and isavilaablethus generating CO in the atmos-2 tion of keratinocytes via the connexin regardless of seasonality nad maretkphere, or composted in the best channels. By improving both the demand. cases. From now on, they will be speed and intensity of the cell-to-cell used in anti-ageing products, repai- signal, the skin barrier becomes more ring fragile skin, lightening darspots resilient, healthier and more robust. It and protecting the skin from pollution. evens moisture distribution in the skin Nissactive (+20% in four weeks) and reduces the volume and depth of wrinkles développe (-13.1% and -8.2% in four weeks). un actif issu de Symrise lance Dry skin regains comfort and age signs are faded. Recommended at 2% tiges de rosiers un probiotique in formulation, MossCellTec Aloe will™ dédié aux soins find applications in moisturising andLa start-up azuréenne lance un actif rebalancing skincare products and cosmétique réalisé à partir de tiges de buccodentaires well ageing product concepts. This rosiers. Une première aux bénéfices contemporary ingredient, inspired by anti-inflammatoire, anti-oxydant et 69 % des consommateurs apprécient plants, is in line with the growing trendanti-âge scientifiquement prouvésl’idée d’utiliser un dentifrice avec des of sylvotherapy. By 2050, 2/3 of the dont le brevet vient d’être déposé. probiotiques. 63 % s’attendent à population will live in cities and willLe résultat d’une étroite collabora-ce que les dentifrices apaisent les place more importance on reconnec- tion avec l’Université Côte d’Azur gencives sensibles et maintiennent ting with nature. The active ingredientqui valorise un produit habituelle-leur santé dentaire globale (36 %). is derived from the MossCellTec™ ment détruit. Jusqu’alors, les tigesIssu de la technologie True Biotic, N°71 - Septembre / Octobre 2021Expression Cosmétique