Nema. There’s my first time losing against silhouetted at the top of the dune. Jeri, another trip four years ago. By the end, Sacha at ping-pong without me losing on the final stage of our journey. I was carrying around the 60 rolls of film purpose. There’s our trip to the beach in the from my trip. I wonder why it means late afternoon, the multicolored kitesurf Day 16. Jeri so much, capturing life in pictures. sails in the sky, an empty soccer field, a cow This evening we’re with the people on I don’t have the answer. in the middle of the road. There’s that. the dune. When the sun has gone down, it feels like the end of a fireworks display. Day 18. Jeri Day 14. Atins The crowds amble back down in the In the day, we see seahorses, dozens of Off to the dunes in Lençóis Maranhenses moonlight. Palm trees silhouetted in crabs in the mangrove and a pig trotting National Park. The car climbs to cross the rosy light. On the way home, Virginie coolly through a restaurant making off them. The sight is unreal. We spend the tells me about the book she’s just with a coconut. In the evening, pineapple whole day in that sci-fi landscape. No finished reading. The letters Pierre caipirinhas followed by flambéed bananas. one around. Swimming in incredibly pure Bergé sent to Yves Saint Laurent after A killer. Really feels like we’re on vacation. groundwater, not a trace of salt, opening his death. A wonderful, impossible life our eyes underwater, moving on to the alongside a troubled soul. It’s powerful, Day 19. Jeri–Fortaleza–Lisbon–Paris next dune.Watching the sun drop and listening to her telling me about it as Long trip ahead to get to Fortaleza. I made disappear. An amazing light in the min- we walk on the sand in the dark among a playlist for the journey. Before we set off, utes immediately afterward. Like living the houses, the boys trailing behind. the driver translates a question on his on Mars. Moved to tears as we drive iPhone. He shows us the screen: “How did home almost at nightfall, the boys Day 17. Jeri you like Jeri?” We pass the last school- wrapped in their beach towels nibbling Day with a guide, who takes us to various buses filled with boys in uniform, the last cookies in the back of the rusty van. tourist sites. You can sense this is really orange evening light, the last horses in the Brazilians’ dream destination. moonlight, the last interchanges and Day 15. Atins–Jeri Vendors selling selfie sticks keep passing streetlights. Farther on, people are having A travel day. Passing through one village by to try their luck. a party in their village, scooters, cars after the next, each one tempting you I keep the tiny memory cards containing without headlights, babies on motorbikes. to stop and take pictures. That’s the the films and photographs of our trip in Nighttime in the Nordeste. The playlist advantage of taking a plane: you don’t a watertight pouch in my backpack. No sings “Last Night I Dreamt that realize what you’re missing. Jericoacoara way could I leave them at the hotel; Somebody Loved Me.” Tomorrow it’ll be looms into view, hundreds of people I need them with me. I think back to Paris. Tomorrow. Not until tomorrow. 161 .htlaeh ruoy ot lufmrah si esuba lohoclA .noitaredom ni knirD .noitarédom ceva zemmosnoc ,étnas al ruop xueregnad tse loocla’d suba’L