éditoAIR FRANCE MADAME/ Issue 213 C’est toujours une question deperspective.Sur cetteimage,lavague mythiquedeTahiti, Teahupoo(quel’onprononceendétachant bienlesvoyelles),ressembleàuneœuvre d’art.Vueduciel,l’abstractionéblouit. Dansnotrereportage(page 112),nousnous sommesapprochésdesamécanique.C’est enapnée,àlazoned’impact,quenousavons photographiélephénomène.Sousl’eau,sa puissancesaisit.Maisquandonlarejoint parlelagon,unequiétudeturquoiseséduit. Commeleferaitlechantd’unesirène… A chaquefacetteduprismeserévèleun éclatdelanatureàl’œuvre.C’estlepropre d’unmagazinedevoyagequedechoisirles meilleuresperspectivespourraconter unpetitpeudumonde. It’s al l a matter of viewpoint. Seen from above, as in this photo, Teahupo’o, the legendary Tahitian wave, looks abstract, like an artwork. Photographed underwater (p. 112), its power is breathtaking. But from the lagoon, al l is placid and inviting. Like the song of the sirens… Through the prism of perception, every angle reveals a different facet of the natural forces at work. As a travel magazine, our mission is to select the most tel ling points of view to depict the world around us. AIR FRANCE MADAME / 21 UAELIOVNEIBAFOTOHP – REIRUTNIOPEIRAMRAP