FOCUS reconstitution et l’injection de médicaments In February 2019, Eveon, a developer of biologiques lyophilisés à partir d’un flacon. smart medical devices for drug delivery Ce dispositif médical s’adresse à tous les preparation and delivery, announced biologiques, y compris visqueux, qu’ils having entered a partnership agreement soient sous forme liquide ou sèche, pour une with a pharmaceutical company targe- injection sous-cutanée ou intramusculaire. ting a development based on the medical L’une des priorités de ce dispositif est de device Intuity Ject. This latter is fully répondre aux enjeux actuels du système de automated for the reconstitution and santé en matière d’efficacité : maintien à injection of lyophilized biological drugs domicile, sécurité et facilité d’utilisation, using a vial. This medical device can be amélioration de l’observance thérapeutique, used with all types of biologics, including précision des injections et connectivité viscous ones, whether in liquid or dry form, for subcutaneous or intramuscular du patient pour un meilleur suivi par les injections. One of the priorities of this professionnels de santé. Intégré à l’alliance device was to meet the current require- INTUITY® JBT HupUp, Eveon poursuit cette phase de ment of the healthcare system in terms JECT, EXEMPLE DE PROJET développement en synergie avec les équipes of effectiveness: home use, security and MENÉ AVEC L’ALLIANCE JBT HUBUP pluridisciplinaires de cette dernière afin ease of use, patient adherence improve- En février 2019, Eveon, concepteur de de répondre à l’ensemble des exigences de ment, precision of injections and patient dispositifs médicaux intelligents pour son client pour mener ce projet jusqu’à son connectivity to ensure better monitoring la préparation et l’administration de industrialisation. by the health professionals. A member médicaments, annonçait la signature d’un of the JBT HubUp alliance, Eveon is pur- accord de partenariat avec un laboratoire INTUITY®JECT, ILLUSTRATION suing this development phase in synergy OF A PROJECT CARRIED OUT IN with the multidisciplinary teams of this pharmaceutique pour un développement latter in order to meet all customer requi- basé sur le dispositif médical Intuity Ject. Ce PARTNERSHIP WITH THE JBT HUBUP rements and deploy this project until the dernier est entièrement automatisé pour la ALLIANCE phase of industrialization. Hugues Brouard, manager R&D de SGH Healthcaring. Hugues Brouard, manager R&D at SGH Healthcaring. a genuine interest in this type of projects as it requires expertise in technologies, volumes that are not necessarily high and a failure rate that remains elevated, Bruno Cocheteux points out. At JBT HubUp, we pool together the expertise and know-how of each company member of this alliance and we operate as a cross-functio- nal team within this legal entity. As compared to the various projects that are proposed to us, we are able to evaluate very quickly if we can offer a relevant service or not. If the answer is positive, a methodology for carrying out the HUB UPFURTHER BY SHARING SKILLS project is established along with a designated team. Thus, by gathering all the competences required for the project from the upstream phase, we can speed up product development June - 2020 / The Pharmaceutical Post 02 79 SSSEECCIVERD