les vaccins, les anti-cancéreux ou en- avantages : meilleure stabilité dans le permettant de mettre plus rapidement core les antibiotiques. Elles concernent temps quperet une durée de vie plus leurs molécules sur le marché. également près de deux molécules sur longue du produit, extraction de sol- Procédé à forte valeur ajoutée, no- trois des médicaments actuellement en vants, amélioration de la solubilité, di- tamment dans le cadre de traitements phase de développement qui constitue- lution au moment de son utilisation… par voie parentérale, la lyophilisation ront l’arsenal thérapeutique de demain. Ce qui explique le fort engouement que requière de lourds investissements Peu solubles dans l’eau et peu stables le procédé de lyophilisation rencontre que les laboratoires pharmaceutiques sous forme aqueuse, ces biomolé- aujourd’hui auprès des laboratoires ou cherchent de plus en plus à mutualiser cules privilégient le plus souvent la des biotechs qui le considèrent comme avec des partenaires de la sous-trai- forme lyophilisée qui offre plusieurs un véritable choix stratégique leur tance pharmaceutique, tant au niveau Les derniers investissements en date effectués par SYNERLAB ont concerné au- tant le site français qu’espagnol, à la fois pour augmenter le capacitaire et accom- pagner les clients dans leur croissance. The most recent investments were made by SYNERLAB both for the French ans Spanish operations both to increase ca- pacity and to serve their clients growth. Thanks to their strong customer orientation, have entered the world of vaccines, can- pharmaceutical players strive to mutualize Synerlab are experts in agility and site activation cer fighting treatments and antibiotics. through contract manufacturing both from to tailor their response to clients’ requests. With They are also present in 2/3 of currently a development and production perspectives. more than 30 years successful experience in being developed medicines and will be SYNERLAB, a specialist of freeze drying on their sites in France and Spain, the backbone of the future therapeutic freeze drying on two sites Synerlab is a specialist in this manufacturing panoply. Poorly soluble in water and poorly process. Indeed, it is the only Contract Manu- stable in aqueous form, these biomolecules SYNERLAB Lyofal in France and SYNER- facturing Group in France to offer pharmaceuti- prefer a freeze dried form offering various LAB Alcalá in Spain working in synergy, cal development, production of clinical batches advantages : better stability in time allowing the Group offers unique solutions from and manufacturing of freeze dried medicienes as longer duration, solvent extraction, solubi- clinical batches production to freeze drying well as freeze drying cycle optimization. lity improvment, dilution on usage … which process optimization and manufacturing of account for the huge attraction encountered a finished, documented and characterized Freeze drying based on for freeze drying techniques from biotechs product to allow their clients to differen- biomolecules has proved its or pharmaceutical industry players who tiate themselves on their market. With value see it as a kay strategis asset to market their flexible freeze drying capacity ( from 0.5 molecules. Highly value added process, in to 35 sq meters surface) as well as diversi- Since the advent of biotechnologies at the particular for parenteral therapy, freeze fied in nature (D to A sterile clean rooms), turn of the 21st century, biomolecules drying requires massive investment which SYNERLAB can offer solutions for the June - 2020 / The Pharmaceutical Post 02 41 SROTUBIRTNOC