The bodywork of this Roadster is an original Argentine thoroughbred design and not a copy of the factory bodywork. Bugatti «Matching Numbers» fans will have to admit it, it dresses the 43 chassis to perfection. Please note that the soft top will have to be replaced. The car was serviced by Bugatti specialist Frédéric Novo just before its purchase in 2017. It has participated in several events, including some of d the Club Bugatti France for a total of about 4000km driven without any problems thanks to a rigorous maintenance by its owner (new dynamo, gearbox revision,...) Our visual inspection showed that the car is in good condition and regularly maintained. The owner recently did a rally in the south of France and told us that the car was running perfectly. We took the passenger seat for a few kilometres and the car behaved well, the gears shift well, the acceleration of the compressed 8-cylinder engine is strong and you can feel that it just wants to go higher in the rpm. Braking is efficient thanks to new brake linings. Oil pressure and water temperature are stable and at recommended values. 43 NOITCELLOC ED SELIBOMOTUA 1202 ERBMEVON 70 EHCNAMID