by Facel, is very close to the Monte Carlo in its generalIt was then painted in an orange-red colour and has design and in particular the shape of its roof. The flatrecently received a new veil. It is in good working order. area under the headlights is also noticeable, which on theOn the mechanical side, the top engine was opened due Vega will be fitted with long hubcaps that include theto a broken cylinder head gasket. The cylinder head has fog lights. It is clear that the Vega is a worthy descendantbeen rectified and the gasket changed. The gearbox works of the Comet, moreover their astronomical names areperfectly as well as the clutch and the brakes have been very close. revised. The carpets are new, the rear armrests have been redone, the floor on the inside has been treated against 171 This Ford Comet Monte Carlo has the following numbers:rust and the radiator has been descaled. Note that the serial number 2448; engine number 4F39A3001643;boot skirt needs to be replaced. This Comet has a vintage body number Facel Métalon 1847. This car was ownedcar radio, an aluminium dashboard, a rear view mirror by André Weber, a prolific collector of American cars.and a chrome grille. Offered to his wife, the Monte Carlo has remained in theThis is a very interesting car, both for its design and family garage until it is presented today. It was acquiredfor its rarity. A true luxury car at the crossroads of the in the late 1980s and has been preserved in its originalFrench and the Americans, a Facel-Vega before its time. condition until now, completing missing parts as they were found and changing what could no longer be kept. NOITCELLOC ED SELIBOMOTUA 1202 ERBMEVON 70 EHCNAMID