nouveaux projets de développement des produits à partir de 2023. Ces acti- vités sont liées aux principes couram- ment utilisés de réduction, de réutilisa- tion, de recyclage et de reconsidération (figure 2). L’un des produits développés par Ger- resheimer selon ces principes est un injecteur corporel nommé Gx SensAir® pour l’administration sous-cutanée de produits biopharmaceutiques pour des volumes allant jusqu’à 10 ml. Dès la phase de conception du projet, deux objectifs clés ont été fixés : parfaire l’expérience du patient pour favoriser sa qualité de vie et réduire l’impact négatif sur l’environnement lié à la prise du traitement. Conçu comme un dispositif plateforme, le Gx SensAir répond au pipeline de® médicaments croissants biopharma- ceutiques destinés à l’immunothérapie et au traitement d’affections, telles que les maladies métaboliques, qui ont par- fois à être administrés à des intervalles Figure 2 : Principes d’éco-conception Gerresheimer Figure 2: Gerresheimer’s eco-design principles of biopharmaceuticals in volumes of a healthcare provider for drug admi- Reduction of CO footprint2 up to 10 mL. Right from the project nistration, thus relieving the burden on with self-admin concept stage, two key aims were to the healthcare industry and providing optimise the patient experience to more independence to the patient. With Patient-oriented, cutting-edge medicine support quality of life and to decrease less patient travel, the carbon footprint in hospitals is fundamentally accom- the negative impact on the environ- is also decreased. panied by high energy consumption. ment resulting from administration of In Germany, hospitals are among the patient therapy. Following eco-design principles, the sixth-largest energy consumers in the Designed as a platform device, the developers sought to increase the lifes- trade, services and commerce sector. Gx SensAir responds to the growing® pan of the device and decrease waste As an illustrative example, if the total pipeline of biopharmaceutical drugs for by making it partially reusable, while energy consumption of a hospital is immunotherapy and to treat conditions maintaining critical hygiene standards. divided by the number of beds, the such as metabolic disease, which may Finally, consideration was given to the energy consumption represented by need to be administered at intervals impact of the required cold storage of one hospital bed is, on average, equiva- across several months. It has been biopharmaceuticals and how to mini- lent to that of four family homes.2 designed for at-home use, which elimi- mise the related impact along the value To date, many patients with a wide nates the need for a patient to travel to chain. variety of indications have to endure October - 2024 / The Pharmaceutical Post 20 21 RENROC TREPXE