sable de son médecin, le patient est désormais l’objectif pour les per- pour tous ceux qui en ont besoin ». en mesure de prendre des décisions sonnes vivant avec un diabète n’est La technologie FreeStyle Libre est appropriées en termes de médicaments, plus de “faire avec” ou de contrôler aujourd’hui numéro 1 des systèmes d’alimentation et de prise en charge en permanence leur glycémie, mais de de mesure du glucose en continu. Elle de sa maladie en vue d’un meilleur mener la vie la plus normale possible à est utilisée par plus de deux millions équilibre de sa glycémie » , indique le l’aide d’outils technologiques adaptés, de personnes vivant avec un diabète Professeur Bruno Guerci, responsable avec une fiabilité accrue des données dans 52 pays. Abbott a œuvré pour du service endocrinologie et diabète de glucose et une utilisation facilitée. un remboursement total ou partiel du du CHRU de Nancy. Le lien avec le soignant est renforcé FreeStyle Libre dans 37 pays, incluant dans un partage des données et des la France, l’Allemagne, le Japon, le Un rapport à la maladie connaissances. Le système FreeStyle Royaume Uni et les États Unis. profondément modifié Libre d’Abbott améliore constamment l’état de santé des patients diabétiques, (1) Roussel et al. Dramatic drop in comme le prouvent les données incon- ketoacidosis rate after FreeStyle Libre Philippe Emery, directeur de la testables provenant d’études cliniques system initiation in type 1 and type division Abbott DiabetesCare en et de situations réelles. En France, 2 diabetes in France, especially in France, rappelle que « dans le cadre avec plus de 270 000 utilisateurs, nous people with low self-monitoring of du diabète, le rapport à la maladie a nous attachons désormais à rendre blood glucose (SMBG): a nationwide profondément changé, au point que cette nouvelle technologie accessible study (ADA Abstract 68-OR). Better prevention of arm using the smartphone (with the aid in so far as possible, with the help of diabetes complications of the FreeStyle LibreLink app) or the FreeStyle Libre 2 reader, users obtain adapted technologies that ensure glucose with FreeStyle Libre 2® their real-time glucose levels every mi- data increased reliability and ease of use. nute, but also a trend history and an ar- There is a stronger connection with the Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre 2 system relies row indicating their current glucose level caregiver due to the data and knowledge on the same technology as the first ge- evolution, without having to prick their shared. Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre system neration device, which, according to the fingers. The users are thus able to make consistently improves the health status of clinical trial and real-life data, is asso- proper therapeutic or dietary decisions. diabetic patients, as shown by the unde- ciated with better glucose level control, “With this new information and with the niable data obtained from clinical studies shorter hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic indispensable support of their attending episodes, longer periods of time when physicians, patients are able to make and real-life cases. In France, where we the glucose is kept within normal limits, proper decisions in terms of medication, have more than 270,000 users, we are and an improvement of the HbA1C (va- food and disease management in order making efforts to make this new techno- lue indicating the average glycemic level to better balance their glcemc ly i evels”, logy accessible to all those who need it” . over a given period of time), as well as to says Professor Bruno Guerci, Chief of The FreeStyle Libre technology currently improved quality of life. Using Bluetooth the Endocrinology and Diabetes Depart- is the number 1 continuous glucose moni- technology, Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre 2 ment of the Regional University Hospital Center (CHRU) in Nancy. toring solution. It is used by more than system continuously transmits glucose two million people living with diabetes data every minute to the FreeStyle Libre across 52 countries. Abbott has been 2 reader or to a compatible Smartphone A profoundly changed making efforts to obtain the full or par- onwhich the FreeStyle®LibreLink app approach to the disease is installed. This technology has real- tial reimbursement of FreeStyle Libre in time hypoglycemia (low glucose levels 37 countries, including France, Germany, ranging between 60 mg/dl and 100 Philippe Emery, manager of Abbott Dia- Japan, the UK and the USA. mg/dl) or hyperglycemia (high glucose betes Care Division in France, reminds levels ranging between 120 and 400 mg/ us that “in the case of diabetes, the (1) Roussel et al. Dramatic drop in ketoa- dl) alarm capabilities that the patient approach to the disease has profoundly cidosis rate after FreeStyle Libre system can individually adjust at all times. A changed, to such extent that the goal initiation in type 1 and type 2 diabetes signal loss alarm can also be turned on of the people living with diabetes no in France, especially in people with for the cases in which the sensor fails low self-monitoring of blood glucose to communicate with the phone for longer is to simply accept it or perma- more than 20 minutes. By scanning the nently monitor their glucose levels, but, (SMBG): a nationwide study (ADA Abs- sensor placed on the back of the upper instead, they want to live normal lives, tract 68-OR). September - 2020 / The Pharmaceutical Post 03 67 YRTSUDNI