Vers une intralogistique automatisée avec l’AGV Intelligent Active Shuttle qui s’adapte facilement aux changements d’environnement. Towards automated intralogistics with the AGV Intelligent Active Shuttle which easily adapts to changing environment. to several thousand data every day. This manufacturing. In the sectors of cosme- environment in order to “improve equip- is the Internet of Things (IoT). In addi- tics and health & beauty products, these ment performance, the logistics of manu- tion, a modelling of a diagram in case of technologies are already helping meet the factured products and the consumption of breakdown, relying on the machinery his- growing demand for product personaliza- energy and resources” . As regards sustai- tory data, as well as the development and tion. “We must imagine a production envi- nable development, most companies, espe- optimization of predictive algorithms so as ronment which will allow us in the future cially in the agri-food industry, are fully to set alarm thresholds. This is automatic to provide single-unit products at the same engaged in strategies aimed at adapting or machine learning. “Predictive mainte- cost as mass production,” Jean-Baptiste their packaging: biodegradable cardboard nance helps us improve the performance Reymondon points out. In addition, these boxes, vegetable-based inks, eco-friendly of the production lines by reducing the adaptations must be taken into conside- plastics... “It is our task to make them maintenance costs and also to prevent ration while facing other challenges. The compatible with ourroduction systemsp non-conformities,” he says. energy transition can also benefit from and technologies, he concludes. We are the digital revolution underway and the going through a periodof major transition Time for major transition uptake of disruptive technologies to acce- and profound changes.” Under these cir- lerate its development. And Jean-Baptiste cumstances, machine suppliers must also These developments are going in the Reymondon recalls the huge potential of demonstrate their flexibility, innovative right direction as they increase agility in the data-AI couple in the manufacturing spirit, and constant adaptation! September - 2020 / The Pharmaceutical Post 03 57 SSECORP