Industrie 4.0 / Industry 4.0 De Dietrich Process Systems mise sur les technologies disruptives favorisant la relocalisation Avec ses clients chimistes et pharmaceutiques, l’entreprise française tricentenaire mise sur les technologies disruptives pour gagner en compétitivité et favoriser la relocalisa- tion de principes actifs essentiels sur le sol français. Créé en 1684, le groupe un revêtement intérieur émaillé pourdans les Vosges du nord, De Dietrich familial alsacien De Die-garantir la résistance à la corrosionProcess Systems compte aujourd’hui un trich Process Systems s’estdans les process chimiques, mais aussimillier d’employés répartis en France, fait un nom et a acquis unpour faciliter le nettoyage et ainsi éviterAllemagne, Espagne, Angleterre, Bel- fort savoir faire dans la fabricationles contaminations croisées dans lagique, Suisse, États-Unis, Inde et Chine. d’équipements émaillés destinés aux pharmacie », explique Laurent Dru- industries de la chimie, la pharmacie etmmer, Marketing Manager Europe deDes usines « clés en main » les biotechnologies, très sensibles auxDe Dietrich Process Systems. Installé questions de nettoyage, stérilisation età Schiltigheim, près de Strasbourg, etLe groupe poursuit son développe- traçabilité. « Nos réacteurs en acier ontavec un site de production à Zinswillerment durable, en intégrant les normes “De Dietrich Process Systems: relying on disruptive technologies promoting relocation" With chemical and pharmaceutical among its customers, this three-hundred-year-old French company relies on disruptive technologies to increase its competitiveness and support the relocation of key APIs manufacture on the French territory. S et up in 1684, De Dietrich by chemical processes, but also to“Turnkey” factories Process Systems is a family-facilitate cleaning and thereby avoid owned group based in the cross-contamination in the case ofThe group pursues its sustainable Alsace region. The group pharmaceuticals”, Laurent Drum- development by taking over and imple- has made a name for itself and hasmer, Marketing Manager Europe menting strict pharmaceutical prac- acquired a strong know-how in the of De Dietrich Process Systems, tices. In 2000, the group took over the manufacture of enamelled equip- explains. Headquartered in Schilti-German company QVF specializing in ment for the chemical, pharmaceu- gheim, near Strasbourg, and owningequipment made of glass and, one year tical and biotech industries, highlya production site in Zinswiller inlater, the Swiss Rosenmund, a specia- sensitive sectors when it comes toNorthern Vosges, De Dietrich Pro- list in filtration and drying equipment issues such as cleaning, steriliza-cess Systems currently has one thou-for the chemical and pharmaceutical tion and traceability. “Our steel sand employees in France, Germany,industries. “Our goal was to develop reactors are coated on the inside Spain, England, Belgium, Switzer-a full portfolio of machinery so as to with enamel as a foolproof solu- land, the United States, India andprovide solutions for our clients’ whole tion against the corrosion caused China. processes, from enamelled reactors to 50The Pharmaceutical Post 03 / Septembre - 2020