MAS Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law Objectives Provide high-level academic education and real-world practice in the field of transitional justice, human rights and the rule of law Primary focus is placed on strengthening interdisciplinary knowledge and preparing students for future professional activities Audience Highly qualified and open-minded candidates Candidates must hold a degree in law or an equivalent degree in a field relevant to transi- tional justice Professional experience in a field related to the programme (professional experience, internship, summer school, participation in conferences, publications, etc.) Programme Full-time programme: • Compulsory courses divided in five modules that cover central theoretical and practical issues in the fields of transitional justice, human rights and the rule of law • A combination of clinical work, optional courses, internships with leading actors in the field of transitional justice, participation in a moot court and Transitional Justice Cafés • A Spring School • A study trip • A Master’s Paper Duration Directors September 2018-August 2019 Prof.Frank HALDEMANN and Thomas UNGER, Geneva Academy of International 60 ECTS credits Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, a joint Centre of the University of Geneva and Registration Deadline the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), Geneva 28 February 2018 Co-ordinator Information Dany DIOGO, Geneva Academy +41(0)22 908 44 88 Diploma Jointly awarded by: University of Geneva • IHEID 62 droit Université de Genève