CAS Water Governance: Frameworks and Negotiations Objectives Deliver skills and analytical tools based on scientific research that are applicable in professio- nal contexts Reflect on water governance stakes and uncertainties in a multidisciplinary perspective Analyse hydro-diplomacy and actors’ strategies Understand trends and functioning of water governance at a global level Develop a community of practice in the field of water governance Audience Professional acting at strategic levels and aiming to develop analytical skills on water governance processes A broad diversity of backgrounds is expected: public administrations, International Organizations, Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations, private sector Programme MOOC in Water Management and Policy (UNIGE-Coursera) Summer School: 4 modules Duration Hydrology - global trends and environmental changes • Right to Water Access - law, water and 4-15 June 2018 development • Hydro-diplomacy • International Water Law - from universal to regional and basin Blended learning agreements 10 ECTS credits Thesis Registration Deadline Directors 31 March 2018 Prof. Géraldine PFLIEGER, Geneva School of Social Sciences (G3S) and Institute for Environmental Modules can be followed individually Sciences (ISE) and Prof. Christian BRETHAUD, ISE, University of Geneva Co-ordinator Information Dr. Denis LANZANOVA, University of Geneva Dr. Denis LANZANOVA Partnership +41 (0)22 37907 69 Geneva Water Hub - DDC, Confédération suisse • SIG (Services Industriels de Genève) • With the financial support of Global Programme Water Initiatives 146 environnement et développement durable Université de Genève