CAS Geomatics for a Sustainable Environment Objectives Give competencies to professionals and students in both geomatics and environmental domains Acquire knowledge for a set of tools linked to Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI), Web in e. . Geoserver, Geonode, Geonetwork) and programming (e.g. Python for geoprocessing, R for geostatistics) Acquire specific knowledge with tools available for biodiversity, ecosystem services or water resources Audience People involved in environmentaldomain and its natural capital:biodiversity and ecosystem services, water resources, expert in geographic information society, young graduate, PhD student, experienced professional who wants to upgrade his knowledge and skills, expert and consultant from international organisations and from national or regional authorities in charge of these topics Programme 2 modules: • Discovery of scientific knowledge consolidation of environmental geomatics (proposed as a MOOC on Ecosystem Services in Spring 2018) • A block course organised as a Summer School in June 2018 including mandatory and optional (interest-based) courses followed by an integrative end-of-studies work, allowing each participant to tackle a professional issue Duration based on the knowledge acquired during the course. June 2018-September 2018 Mandatory modules: • Introduction to Geographic Information Systems: QGIS • Remote sensing: Yearly GRASS + QGIS • Data sharing and Spatial data infrastructure: Geonetwork • Geographic Blended learning Information Systems on the web: Geoserver + Geocode • Geoprocessing: Python • Geostatistics: R 10 ECTS credits Optional modules: • Species distribution models: R + QGIS • Hydrological modeling: SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) • Ecosystem services: InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Registration Deadline Services and Tradeoffs). 30 April 2018 The flexible course format willallow both professionals and students to fit this programme in Modules can be followed individually their schedules Direction Information Prof. Anthony LEHMANN, Faculty of Sciences and Institute for Environmental Sciences, University Yaniss GUIGOZ of Geneva +41 (0)22 37998 34 Coordination Dr. Yaniss GUIGOZ, University of Geneva 136 environnement et développement durable Université de Genève