CAS Health of Populations Affected by Humanitarian Emergencies Objectives Formulate, implement, and review relevant humanitarian health interventions taking into account ethical issues, humanitarian principles, coordination mechanisms and the national context Identify and prioritise health problems and determine ways to address them in a variety of humanitarian contexts Choose among various methodological and technical tools to identify health needs and respond appropriately Analyse dilemmas of health action in crises Audience Health professional working in humanitarian or development projects Humanitarian worker of various backgrounds managing health projects Health professional wishing to move into the humanitarian sector Programme 7 weeks: Health in Humanitarian Crises: how to set priorities • Epidemic Diseases • NutritionalCrises: Origins, Consequences and Interventions • Sexual and Reproductive Health • Violence and its Impact on Health • Chronic Diseases • Personal work Duration 29 April 2019 - 14 June 2019 Directors 7 weeks Prof. Doris SCHOPPER, Geneva Centre for Education and Research in Humanitarian 10 ECTS credits Action (CERAH), a joint Centre of the University of Geneva and the Graduate Institute Registration Deadline of International and Development Studies (IHEID), Geneva See contact below Co-ordinator Information Prof. Doris SCHOPPER, CERAH and Dr. Anne Golaz, CERAH, University of Geneva +41 (0)22 908 44 53 Diploma Jointly awarded by University of Geneva • IHEID 14 affaires internationales et humanitaires Université de Genève