“The scene is still limited,” she artist Ouattara Watts to mount a notes, “but the artists are here.” solo show in her space. Entitled Many of them are returning to “Before Looking at this Work, their home country, including Listen to It,” the exhibition Ernest Dükü, who divides his time addresses the themes of order between Paris and Abidjan, and and disorder, music and silence, Jems Koko Bi, a sculptor who cultural blending… Watts left Ivory had moved to Germany. More Coast in 1977 and studied at the recently, Fakhoury persuaded famous Beaux Arts academy in the celebrated Ivorian-American Paris before taking off for New > Page de gauche et ci-dessus : laFrançaise Cécile Fakhoury a ouvert sa galerie éponyme dans le quartier de Cocody à Abidjan en2012. A droite : l’artiste ivoirien internationalement connu Ouattara Watts, devant son œuvre Oté-Fê (2018), lors de l’exposition “Before Looking at this Work, Listen to It”, dans la galerie, en janvier dernier. Ci-dessous : le restaurant-concept store Kajazoma tenu par Jeanine Zobo. AIR FRANCE MADAME / 169