CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Furthermore, as specified in paragraph “Long- Compensation governance term variable compensation” of this Registration The Compensation Committee ensures the document, the rules for the performance shares proper implementation of al l of the principles plans provide for the loss of unvested shares in described above in connection of its works and case of departure from the Group (excluding any recommendations to the Board of Directors, both retirement leave or death or disability). in respect of the definition of the policies and of Specific situation: the implementation for the determination of the amounts or valuation of the compensation or The Board of Directors may decide that an executive benefits. corporate officer will not qualify for these severance indemnities in respect of his/her corporate office in consideration of specific circumstances (profile, Compensation items and performance career…). criteria summary tables for the 2018 financial year Thus, the Board of Directors has decided that Chief The Board of Directors, upon its meeting of Executive Officer, Patrick Berard, did not qualify February 13, 2018 has determined the fol lowing for these severance indemnities in respect of his elements regarding the compensation of the corporate office in consideration of his career and corporate officers for 2018. profile. Ian Meakins, Chairman of the Board of Directors FIXED ANNUAL COMPENSATION DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Fixed annual compensation €500,000, unchanged since start of duties on October 1, 2016, determined for the whole term of office Excluding any other compensation item REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 92