CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY In 2017, 48.8% of the total workforce received safety • Training training, i.e., 13,190 employees. I n 2017, 22.1% of employees who received training In 2017, there were 59 Health, Safety and Working were women with female employees accounting Conditions committees within the Rexel Group. for 22.8% of the total workforce, and 77.9% of They comprised 453 employees accounting for 1.7% employees having received training were men of all permanent employees. with male employees accounting for 77.2% of the total workforce. Occupational diseases • Hiring In 2017, 5 occupational diseases were reported and Among the employees hired on an open-ended 4 were recognized. basis in 2017, 22.2% were females and 77.8% were males. Diversity and Equal opportunities Employees with a disability The Ethics Guide outl ines the economic, In 2017, 313 Rexel employees had a disabil ity or environmental and social principles which the Rexel about 1.2% of the total workforce (also 1.2% in 2016). Group defends and upholds. The Ethics Guide At December 31, 2017, 0.5% of permanent employees refers expl icitly to dignity, diversity and respect recruited in 2017 reported a disability condition. for individuals. The Ethics Guide rejects all form of discrimination against employees. Senior employees Gender equality As defined in paragraph 4.3.1 “Workforce” of this Registration document, senior employees of the The Rexel Group is committed to ensuring the equal Rexel Group accounted for: treatment of its male and female employees on 31% of the total workforce in 2017; • a comparable basis in every sphere and in every respect, for example hiring, pay, career development •13.7% of new permanent employees in 2017. and training. In this it is guided in particular by its Ethics Guide. 4.3.4 Training and skills management At December 31, 2017, women accounted for 22.8% In the current context of a rapidly changing sector, of the total workforce compared to 22.9% in 2016. training is an essential means of acquiring new skills, This percentage reflects the reality of the market and mastering new technologies, in particular digital the low representation of women in the specialized technologies and gaining greater expertise in the distribution sector. area of energy efficiency. Indicators for 2017 show insignificant gaps in the In order to meet and prepare for current and future following areas: challenges in the world of energy, Rexel proceeded the rol ling out of Rexel Academy in 2017. In effect •Mobility and promotion an internal university, Rexel Academy offers various I n 2017, 9% of women benefited from a mobility programs to develop knowledge in every sphere measure compared with 10.8% of men. of strategic expertise such as customer centricity, energy efficiency, products expertise, and digital 79 female non-managers, i.e., 1.5% of female skills to further Rexel’s business success. The digital non-managers, were promoted to managerial learning platform offers e-learning (remote and positions. The figure for men was identical with physical training sessions). Rexel Academy creates 248 male non-managers, i.e., 1.5% of male non- learning communities and makes leading internal managers, promoted to managerial positions. and external experts available to all. Rexel Academy Wage increases aims to become the hub for sharing the Group’s • culture and knowledge. 71.5% of females with an open-ended the At the end of 2017, Rexel Academy was available in employment agreement and having at least a 24 of the countries in which the Rexel Group is active. 1-year seniority benefited from a wage increase in 2017, compared to 61.2% of men with an open- In 2017, 20,226 employees received training ended the employment agreement and having at (excluding safety training), an increase from the least a 1-year seniority. 17,986 figure for 2016. At December 31, 2017, REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 170