CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY In line with management’s desire to involve Rexel Hungary, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom as employees in the Group’s performance, four new well as a policy issued by France covering Slovenia employee shareholding plans were put forward under a service agreement. At December 31, 2016, in 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2016. The 2010 employee it covered close to 3,000 employees in 5 countries. shareholding plan was offered in 12 countries accounting for 80% of the Group’s workforce; Other benefits 13.2% of el igible employees took part. The 2012 A certain number of benefits or services are often employee shareholding plan was offered in offered to employees in addition to those required 16 countries accounting for 90% of the Group’s by law. They are either negotiated as part of workforce; 14.36% of el igible employees took col lective agreements or granted unilateral ly and part. The 2013 employee shareholding plan was mostly concern housing al lowances, meal and/or offered in 15 countries accounting for 80% of the transport allowances, concierge services, help with Group’s workforce; 14.47% of eligible employees day care, family leave, medical assistance and legal took part. The 2016 shareholding plan was offered assistance. in 14 countries accounting for 90% of the Group’s workforce; 17.60% of eligible employees took part, with rates higher than 20% in Belgium, Canada, Working time organization China, The Netherlands, and a rate of 36.70% for Duration and breakdown of working time France. The duration of working time varies according to At December 31, 2017, the number of shares held the laws of the countries in which the Group is by existing and former employees under employee active. shareholding plans accounted for 0.58% of Rexel’s The Rexel Group employees work an average of share capital and voting rights. 39 hours per week, or close to 8 hours per day. Employee benefits Part-time work Employee benefits fall under social protection and Part-time work 2017 2016 thus vary from country to country. % of part-time employees 3.3% 3.5% In most countries where it operates, the Rexel Group At December 31, 2017, the number of the Rexel offers its employees health and disability insurance Group employees working part-time was 905 or to supplement mandatory cover. Most employees 3.3% of the total workforce. either choose or are obl iged by law to take out these complementary insurances depending on the Overtime country in question. In managing the working time of its employees, the Certain Group entities have put complementary Rexel Group makes little use of overtime: 658,551 retirement plans in place for their employees overtime hours were worked by the total of Rexel according to local regulations. Group employees in 2017, i.e.,1.4% of all hours worked in the year (623,544 overtime hours, i.e., 1.3% of all The Rexel Group has establ ished a minimum hours worked in 2016). standard coverage for work accidents via the “Rexel +” plan. Working conditions This plan allows for compensation corresponding to Health and safety conditions one or two years of basic salary in the case of death or permanent severe disability. Going beyond its legal obligations, the Group fulfills its social responsibility through a constant concern Launched on July 1, 2010, the “Rexel +” plan is for its employees’ health and safety. The safety of managed at the local level and il lustrates Rexel’s its employees, stakeholders and assets has always continued commitment to corporate responsibility. been a priority for Rexel. The main risks for Rexel’s It is made up of four local policies covering Austria, employees are related to road traffic, fal ls, the REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 168