CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Detailed achievement levels for the 2017 criteria referred to above as at June 30, 2017 financial accounts, was as follows: 2017 FIXED 2017 TARGET AMOUNT IN EURO COMPENSATION VARIABLE FINANCIAL PARTINDIVIDUAL PART TOTAL TO BE PAID IN (PRORATA FROM COMPENSATION 2017 TARGET OF THE TARGET OF THE TARGET ACHIEVEMENT RESPECT OF THE JANUARY 1 TO IN PERCENTAGE VARIABLE VARIABLE VARIABLE RESULT RESULTS ACHIEVEMENT ACHIEVEMENT AS% OF THE 2017 VARIABLE FEBRUARY 20, OF FIXED COMPENSATION COMPENSATION COMPENSATION FINANCIAL INDIVIDUAL OF THE 2017 OF THE 2017 TARGET VARIABLE COMPENSATION 2017) (1) COMPENSATION IN € (%) (%) PART PART FINANCIAL PART INDIVIDUAL PART COMPENSATION (PRORATA) A B (A x B) = C D E F G (D x F) = H (E x G) = I (H + I) = J (C x J) 70,833 90% 63,750 65% 35% 119.3% 90% 77.5% 31.5% 109% 69,487 (1) i.e., 14.2% of the annual compensation. Details regarding the achievement of 2017 financial targets: 2017 ACHIEVED PERFORMANCE PAYMENT PAYMENT 2017 LEVEL IN% OF LEVEL, PRIOR LEVEL, AFTER 2017 CRITERIA WEIGHT OBJECTIVE(1) TRIGGER TARGET MAXIMUM OBJECTIVES TO WEIGHTING WEIGHTING Sales growth 33% €98.2 M Payment of the 125% payout if 150% payout if 163.8% 150.0% 50.0% in volume 1steuro upon result reaches result reaches achievement of 100% of target 120% of target the sales made within the prior financial year Adjusted EBITA 33% €282.7 K 50% payout 110% payout if Payment capped 102.6% 112.9% 37.6% in volume upon result reaches at 150% achievement 100% of target of the adjusted EBITA made within the prior financial year ATWC 33% 14.10% 25% payout if 100% payout if 150% payout if 99.7% 95.0% 31.7% result reaches result reaches result reaches 95% of target 100% of target 105% of target 100% Calculation on a linear basis between the points 119.3% (1)Adjusted objectives (on a constant scope). Details regarding 2017 individual targets: WEIGHTED WEIGHT ACHIEVEMENT PERFORMANCE RATE Warrantee an efficient management of the cash flow and assets of the group 50% 80% 40.0% Strengthen the financial position of the group and arbitrate between several alternatives 50% 100% 50.0% Total 90.0% Other compensation items Long-term compensation:allocation of Catherine Guil louard benefited from the fol lowing subscription or purchase options and allocations other compensation items: of performance shares benefits in kind for an amount of €1,080 concerning Share subscription or purchase options • the company’s car and €17,189 concerning the No option of subscription or purchase of shares has executive director’s unemployment coverage been al located to Catherine Guil louard by Rexel GSC; and or any of the company of the Rexel Group for the an additional health insurance (mutuelle), a death financial year ended December 31, 2017. • and disability insurance (contrat deprévoyance), No option of subscription or purchase of shares has a basic and supplemental retirement scheme, a been exercised by Catherine Guillouard during the health check-up, and tax and retirement advisors’ financial year ended December 31, 2017. fees; REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 106