CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY 4.5 INDEPENDENT VERIFIER’S REPORT This is a free translation into English of the Statutory Auditors’ report issued in French and is provided solely for the convenience of English speaking readers. This report should be read in conjunction with, and construed in accordance with, French law and professional standards applicable in France. Report by one of the Statutory Auditors, appointed as an independent third party, on the consolidated human resources, environmental and social information included in the management report For the year ended December 31, 2017 To the Shareholders, disclosure of a part or all of the CSR Information, In our capacity as Statutory Auditor of REXEL (the that an explanation is provided in accordance with “Company”), appointed as independent third party the third paragraph of article R.225-105 of the and certified by COFRAC under number 3-1060 French Commercial Code (Attestation regarding (whose scope is available at, we the completeness of CSR Information); hereby report to you our report on the consolidated •express a limited assurance conclusion that the human resources, environmental and social CSR Information taken as a whole is, in all material information for the year ended December 31, 2017, respects, fairly presented in accordance with the included in the management report (hereinafter Guidel ines (Conclusion on the fairness of CSR named “CSR Information”), pursuant to article Information). L.225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code (Code However, it is not for us to express an opinion on de commerce). the compl iance with the other legal provisions applicable, in particular those set out by the article Company’s responsibility L.225-102-4 of the French Commercial Code The Board of directors is responsible for preparing (plan of vigilance) and by the law n ° 2016-1691 of a company’s management report including the CSR December 9, 2016 known as Sapin I I (fight against Information required by article R.225-105-1 of the corruption). French Commercial Code in accordance with the Our work involved six persons and was conducted “Social Reporting Guideline” and “Environmental between September 2017 and February 2018 during Protocol” used by the Company (hereinafter the a five week period. We were assisted in our work by “Guidel ines”) a summary of which can be found our CSR experts. in sections 4.3.7 and 4.4.5 of this Registration Document and avai lable upon request at the We performed our work in accordance with the company’s registered office. order dated May 13, 2013 defining the conditions under which the independent third party performs Independence and quality control its engagement and with the professional guidance issued by the French Institute of statutory auditors Our independence is defined by regulatory texts, (Compagnie nationale descommissaires aux the French Code of ethics (Code de déontologie) of comptes) relating to this engagement and with our profession and the requirements of article L.822- ISAE 3000 concerning our conclusion on the fairness 11-3 of the French Commercial Code. In addition, of CSR Information (Assurance engagements we have implemented a system of quality control other than audits or reviews of historical financial including documented pol icies and procedures information). regarding compliance with the ethical requirements and applicable legal and regulatory requirements. 1. Attestation regarding the completeness of CSR Information Statutory Auditor’s responsibility On the basis of our work, our responsibility is to: Nature and scope of our work •attest that the required CSR Information is included On the basis of interviews with the individuals in in the management report or, in the event of non- charge of the relevant departments, we obtained REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 190