CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Table 9 – Subscription or purchase options for Table 11 – Summary table relating to employment shares granted to employees who are not corporate contracts, specific retirement benefits, severance officers, and the options exercised by them during packages and non-compete clauses: See the financial year: Not applicable. paragraph 3.2.3 of this Registration document. Table 10 – History of al locations of performance shares: See paragraphs 3.2.2, 3.2.3 and of this Registration document. 3.2.4 Fixed, variable and exceptional components making up the total compensation and benefits of all kinds submitted to the approval of the shareholders (Article L.225-100 of the French Commercial Code) Fixed, variable and exceptional components making up the total compensation and benefits of all kinds paid or allocated to Ian Meakins, Chairman of the Board of Directors, in respect of the financial year ended December 31, 2017, submitted to the shareholders’ approval at the Shareholders’ Meeting (7 resolution):th Ian Meakins (Non-executive Chairman of the Board of Directors) for the financial year ended December 31, 2017 3 COMPENSATION ITEMS DUE OR ALLOTED AMOUNT OR IN RESPECT OF THE ACCOUNTING FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED VALUATION SUBMITTED PRESENTATION Fixed annual €500,000 The gross fixed annual compensation in respect of the financial year ended compensation on December 31, 2017 determined by the Board of Directors of February 10, 2017 and renewed by the Board of Directors of May 23, 2017, amounts to €500,000. This fixed compensation, determined for the whole term of office, remains unchanged. This compensation has been determined by the Board of Directors in consideration of the French and European market practice, of the strong expertise and experience of Ian Meakins in relation to professional distribution in particular, of his recognized management capacities and of his international experience. See paragraph of this Registration document. Variable annual Not applicable Ian Meakins does not benefit from any variable annual compensation. compensation Deferred variable Not applicable Ian Meakins does not benefit from any deferred variable compensation. compensation Multi-annual variable Not applicable Ian Meakins does not benefit from any multi-annual variable compensation. compensation Exceptional Not applicable Ian Meakins does not benefit from any exceptional compensation. compensation Benefits of any kind Not applicable Ian Meakins does not benefit from any benefit in kind. Valuation of Not applicable Ian Meakins does not benefit from any long-term compensation item. the long-term compensation: allocation of performance shares Severance Not applicable Ian Meakins does not benefit from any severance indemnity indemnities Non-compete Not applicable Ian Meakins does not benefit from any non-compete indemnity indemnity Supplemental Not applicable Ian Meakins does not benefit from any supplemental retirement plan retirement plan REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 113