2 RISK FACTORSAND INTERNAL CONTROL 2.1RISK FACTORS 36 2.1.1Risks relating to the industry 36 2.1.2Legal and regulatory risks 40 2.1.3Risks relating to the Rexel Group’s financing 42 2.1.4 Market risks 44 2.2 INSURANCE 46 2.3I NTERNAL CONTROL AND RISK MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES 47 2.3.1Control environment 47 2.3.2 Risk management system 48 2.3.3 Control activities 49 2.3.4 Internal communication of relevant and reliable information 50 2.3.5 Steering and monitoring of the internal control system 50 2.3.6 Internal control procedures relating to the preparation and treatment of accounting and financial information 51 REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 34