CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The achievement levels for the 2017 criteria referred to above are as follows: 2017 TARGET TOTAL VARIABLE ACHIEVEMENT AS COMPENSATION 2017 TARGET FINANCIAL INDIVIDUAL PART A PERCENTAGE AMOUNT IN €TO BE 2017 FIXED IN PERCENTAGE VARIABLE PART OF THE OF THE TARGET 2017 RESULT2017 RESULT ACHIEVEMENT ACHIEVEMENT OF THE TARGET PAID IN RESPECT COMPENSATIONOF THE FIXED COMPENSATION TARGET VARIABLE VARIABLE FINANCIAL INDIVIDUAL OF THE 2017 OF THE 2017 VARIABLE OF 2017 VARIABLE IN € COMPENSATION IN € COMPENSATION (%)COMPENSATION (%) PART PART FINANCIAL PARTINDIVIDUAL PART COMPENSATION COMPENSATION A B (A x B) = C D E F G (D x F) = H (E x G) = I (H + I) = J (C x J) 650,000 120% 780,000 75% 25% 135.6% 92.5% 101.7% 23.1% 124.8% 973,440 Details concerning the achievement of the 2017 financial targets: 2017 ACHIEVEMENT PERFORMANCE PAYMENT PAYMENT 2017 LEVEL IN% OF LEVEL PRIOR LEVEL AFTER 2017 CRITERIA WEIGHT TARGET(1) TRIGGER TARGET MAXIMUM OBJECTIVES TO WEIGHTING WEIGHTING Sales growth 33% €142.8 M Payment of the 125% payout if 150% payout if 285.8% 150% 50% in volume 1steuro upon result reaches result reaches achievement of 100% of target 120% of target the sales made within the prior financial year Adjusted EBITA 33% €575.0 M . Payment at 110% payout if Payment capped 102.5% 142% 47.3% in volume 50% upon result reaches at 150% achievement 100% of target of the adjusted EBITA made within the prior financial year ATWC 33% 14.36% 25% payout if 100% payout if 150% payout if 101.5% 115% 38.3% result reaches result reaches result reaches 95% of target 100% of target 105% of target 100% Calculation on a linear basis between the points 135.6% (1) Adjusted 2017 objectives (on a constant scope). Details regarding 2017 individual targets: WEIGHTED WEIGHTING ACHIEVEMENT PERFORMANCE Transform/turn around operations in key geographies and key metrics implementation to measure and drive achievement 60% 100% 60.0% Successions planning for priority countries 15% 50% 7.5% Digital strategy implementation in key geographies 25% 100% 25.0% Total 92.5% Other items of compensation for the relevantLong-term compensation:allocation of period subscription or purchase options and allocation The various benefits in kind were as follows: of performance shares healthcare/welfare insurance; health checkup; Subscription or purchase options • basic and supplementary pension; No option of subscription or purchase of shares has • been allocated to Patrick Berard by Rexel or any of •tax and pension consultancy; and the company of the Rexel Group for the financial availability of a company car (€6,362 for 2017). year ended December 31, 2017. • No option of subscription or purchase of shares has been exercised during the financial year ended December 31, 2017. REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 100