FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING INFORMATION As of December 31, 2017, the loans were the following: BALANCE AS OF BALANCE AS OF INTEREST DECEMBER 31,2017 DECEMBER 31,2017 AND LONG-TERM LOANS (in millions of currency) CURRENCY (in millions of euros) MARGIN DUE DATE Rexel Sverige AB 1,357.0 SEK 137.8 6.20% 06/30/2020 Rexel New Zealand 20.0 NZD 11.9 6.70% 06/30/2020 Elektro Material AG 155.0 CHF 132.4 4.80% 06/30/2020 Elektroskandia Norway 528.0 NOK 53.7 6.90% 06/30/2020 Rexel Holdings Australia PTY 40.0 AUD 26.1 6.70% 06/30/2020 Rexel Arabia ES 10.0 USD 8.3 4.73% 06/15/2020 Francofa Eurodis 7.0 EUR 7.0 4.28% 06/15/2022 TOTAL 377.2 4.2 Other information relating to assets Currents assets TOTAL DECEMBER 31, DUE WITHIN DUE BETWEEN DUE (in millions of euros) 2017 ONE YEAR 1 AND 5 YEARS THEREAFTER Trade accounts receivable 2.3 2.3 – – Currents accounts receivable 284.2 284.2 – – Other receivable 37.1 31.1 6.0 – TOTAL 323.6 317.6 6.0 – Short-term investments, hedging derivatives cash Fol lowing the early redemption of those senior and bank notes, they have been fully amortized for €3.1 million This item is mainly composed by: financial expense. 1. Own shares acquisition cost held to serve free Bonds issuance costs are amortized through the shares plans. Rexel held 880,604 shares for an income statement. Transaction costs related to amount of €11.2 million as of December 31, 2017. senior notes due 2024 and 2025 and issued in 2017 have been recognized in the income statement for 2. Hedging derivatives for €2.2 million. €9.3 million. Deferred charges In 2016, deferred charges included redemption premium of senior notes due 2020 and 2022. 4.3 Stockholders’ equity APPROPRIATION INCREASE JANUARY 1, OF THE 2016 IN SHARE 2017 NET DECEMBER 31, (in millions of euros) 2017 RESERVES NET INCOME CAPITAL INCOME 2017 Share capital 1,514.5 2.0 – 0.2 – 1,516.7 Share premium 1,561.2 (2.3) – 0.3 – 1,559.2 Legal reserve 56.5 – 12.5 – – 69.0 Others reserves 36.3 0.4 – – 36.7 Retained earnings (10.8) – 127.4 – – 116.6 Net income for the year 260.7 – (260.7) – 14.3 14.3 TOTAL 3,418.4 0.1 (120.8) 0.5 14.3 3,312.5 REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 284