CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY Summary table CONSTANT PERIMETER INDICATORS UNIT 2017 PERIMETER 2017 2016VARIATIONPERIMETER CONSUMPTION OF RESOURCES Total energy consumption MWh 283,825 100.0% 280,588 288,720 -3% 98.8% Of which electricity consumption MWh 146,504 100.0% 144,123 148,841 -3% 98.8% Of which gas consumption MWh 120,181 100.0% 119,325 120,607 -1% 98.8% Of which fuel consumption MWh 7,205 100.0% 7,205 9,056 -20% 98.8% Water consumption m3 287,230 95.9% 286,072 323,826 -12% 94.7% Total packaging consumption: Tonnes 13,270 100.0% 12,910 12,168 6% 98.7% Of which cardboard Tonnes 4,870 100.0% 4,722 4,407 7% 98.7% Of which plastics Tonnes 1,003 100.0% 981 762 29% 98.7% Of which wood Tonnes 7,003 100.0% 6,844 6,611 4% 98.7% Of which other packaging Tonnes 394 100.0% 363 387 -6% 98.7% Paper consumption, including: Tonnes 2,413 100.0% 2,345 2,522 -7% 98.8% Commercial paper Tonnes 1,241 100.0% 1,210 1,290 -6% 98.8% 4 WASTE Total quantity of waste generated Tonnes 26,665 93.8% 26,587 26,290 1% 92.6% Total quantity of waste recovered Tonnes 17,183 93.8% 17,179 16,938 1% 92.6% Recovery rate % 64.4% 93.8% 64.6% 64.4% 0.2 pts 92.6% GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS SCOPE 1 DIRECT EMISSIONS tCO e2 74,141 100.0% 73,685 77,030 -4% 98.8% Emissions related to on-site energy combustion tCO e2 26,439 100.0% 26,266 27,032 -3% 98.8% Emissions related to the transportation of products by the internal fleet tCO e2 20,703 100.0% 20,593 20,585 0% 98.8% Emissions related to business travel by company cars tCO e2 27,000 100.0% 26,827 29,412 -9% 98.8% Scope 2 indirect emissions tCO e2 30,219 100.0% 29,352 36,536 -20% 98.8% Emissions related to the production of purchased and consumed electricity tCO e2 29,247 100.0% 28,379 33,687 -16% 98.8% Emissions related to the production of purchased and consumed heat tCO e2 973 100.0% 973 2,850 -66% 98.8% SALES OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY SOLUTIONS Sales of energy efficiency solutions Euros – – 1,475.5 1,433.3 2.9% 100% million Sales of photovoltaic solutions Euros – – 196.8 205.1 -4% 100% million Sales from the wind turbine market Euros – – 106.4 66.1 -38% 100% million REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 189