FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING INFORMATION 5.1.2 Liquidity and capital resources Cash flow YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, (in millions of euros) 2017 2016 Change Operating cash flow 612.9 563.8 49.1 Interest (101.9) (118.8) 16.9 Taxes (102.5) (54.6) (47.9) Change in working capital requirements (118.4) (26.1) (92.3) Net cash flow from operating activities 290.2 364.3 (74.1) Net cash flow from investing activities (134.6) (190.2) 55.7 o.w. Operating capital expenditures (1) (110.3) (98.6) (11.6) Net cash flow from financing activities (261.3) (339.3) 78.0 Net cash flow (105.7) (165.1) 59.5 Operating cash flow 612.9 563.8 49.1 Change in working capital requirements (118.4) (26.1) (92.3) Operating capital expenditures (1) (110.3) (98.6) (11.7) Free cash flow before interest and taxes 384.3 439.1 (54.8) Interest (101.9) (118.8) 16.9 Taxes (102.5) (54.6) (47.9) Free cash flow after interest and taxes 180.0 265.6 (85.6) DECEMBER 31, 2017 2016 WCR as a % of sales(2)at: 10.8% 10.3% (1)Net of disposals. (2) Working capital requirements, end of period, divided by last 12-month sales. Cash flow from operating activities refinancing transactions and to reduction in the Rexel’s net cash flow from operating activities was average net debt to a lesser extent. an inflow of €290.2 million in 2017 as compared to Income tax paid increased from €54.6 million in 2016 €364.3 million in 2016. to €102.5 million in 2017 reflecting a base effect in 2016 where income tax paid was favorably impacted Operating cash flow by tax refunds in France and in the US. Operating cash flow before interest, income tax and changes in working capital requirements Change in working capital requirements increased to €612.9 million in 2017 as compared to In 2017, change in working capital requirements €563.8 million in 2016. This was mainly driven by the accounted for an outflow of €118.4 mi l l ion as increase in EBITDA from €636.7 mil lion in 2016 to compared to a €26.1 million outflow in 2016. Increase €694.1 million in 2017. in working capital requirements was driven by the higher level of inventories together with lower trade Interest and taxes payables which contributed for €80.0 mil lion and In 2017, net interest paid decreased from €118.8 million €41.2 million respectively to the cash outflow. Days in 2016 to €101.9 mil lion in 2017 primarily due to of inventories increased by c. 2 days as a result of the lower effective interest rate following 2016 and 2017 enlargement of products offering to sustain sales REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 208