FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING INFORMATION Changes in equity during 2017: corresponding to 1,873,775 free shares granted 1.On February 10, 2017, share capital was increased at a par value of €5 each. fol lowing the issuance of 73 shares with a par 6. The Annual General Meeting held on May 23, value of €5 each. This capital increase, related to 2017 approved a resolution appropriating the the 2012 employee offering, has been recorded €260.7 million 2016 result as follows: €12.5 million by deduction from the other non-distributable al located to the legal reserve, €127.4 mil lion to reserves. retained earnings and dividends distribution of 2.On March 13, 2017, the company’s Management €120.8 million that were paid on July 7, 2017. Board recorded capital increase resulting from 7. On July 3, 2017, share capital was increased by the 2016 United Kingdom employees offering €0.6 million by issuing 120,712 shares with a par by issuing 39,114 shares with a par value of €5 value of €5 each. This capital increase, related to each for €0.2 million and the share premium of the 2012 employee offering, has been recorded €0.3 million. by deduction from the other non-distributable 3.On May 2, 2017, share capital was increased by reserves. €1.4 million by issuing 276,373 shares with a par 8. On July 26, 2017, share capital was increased by value of €5 each in connection with the April 2013 €0.03 million by issuing 5,845 shares with a par free share plan. This share capital increase has value of €5 each in connection with the July 2013 been recorded by deduction from the other non- free share plan. This share capital increase has distributable reserves. been recorded by deduction from the other non- 4.On May 23, 2017, share capital was increased by distributable reserves. €0.02 million by issuing 3,037 shares with a par 9. Amounts initial ly al located to other non- value of €5 each in connection with the May 2014 distributable reserves and related to forfeited free free share plan. This share capital increase has shares during the year 2017 were retransferred to 5 been recorded by deduction from the other non- the share premium for an amount of €2.0 million. distributable reserves. 10. The net profit for the year 2017 amounts to 5.On May 23, 2017, the company’s Management €14.3 million. Board decided to al locate an amount of As of December 31, 2017, the company’s share €9.4 mi l l ion to the other non-distributable capital amounts to €1,516,715,885 represented by reserves by deduction from the share premium 303,343,177 shares each with a par value of €5. 4.4 Other information related to liabilities TOTAL DECEMBER 31, DUE WITHIN DUE BETWEEN DUE AFTER MORE (in millions of euros) 2017 ONE YEAR 1 AND 5 YEARS THAN 5 YEARS Senior notes 1,452.2 2.2 1,450.0 Borrowings from financial institutions 41.7 41.7 Other financial debt 9.0 9.0 Trade accounts payable 3.0 3.0 Other operating liabilities 6.7 6.7 Unrealized exchange rate gains – – TOTAL 1,512.6 62.6 1,450.0 REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 285