CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY Conclusion us to believe that the CSR Information, taken as a Based on the work performed, no material whole, is not presented fairly in accordance with the misstatement has come to our attention that causes Guidelines. Neuilly-sur-Seine, February 14, 2018 One of the Statutory Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Christian Perrier Pascal Baranger Partner Director at the “Sustainable Development” Department Appendix: CSR Information that we considered to be the most important Human resources • Total workforce and split by gender, age and geographical area, including the total workforce employment indicator; • Hires and dismissals including the indicator of the total number of departures of employees with permanent contract; • Absenteeism including the absenteeism rate indicator; • Organization of social dialogue, including procedures for informing and consulting staff and negotiating with them, including the paragraph on collective procedures and policies for the support of employees affected by reorganization, including the paragraph on the process employee performance evaluation; • Training policy; • Total number of training hours; • Accidents at work, in particular their frequency and seriousness, as well as occupational diseases and occupational diseases, including indicators of the number of work accidents resulting in a work stoppage, the number of working days lost as a result of an accident at work with a stop, the accident frequency rate and the severity rate; • Health and safety conditions at work; • Policies implemented in training. Environmental information • Organization of the company to take into account the questions of environment, where applicable, environmental assessment or certification procedures; • Measure of prevention, recycling reuse, other forms of recovery and waste disposal, including indicators of the total amount of waste generated, the total quantity of waste recovered and the recovery rate; • Training and information actions for employees in the field of environmental protection, including the paragraph on training actions undertaken on the subject of the environment among employees. • Consumption of raw materials and measures taken to improve the efficiency of their use, including indicators of cardboard consumption, consumption of plastic films, wood packaging and the paragraph on measures to reduce the environmental footprint and the environmental performance of operations; • Energy consumption, measures taken to improve the energy efficiency and resort to the renewable energies, including indicators of natural gas consumption, consumption of heating oil, electricity, diesel, gasoline and LPG; • Significant greenhouse gas emissions generated by the company’s activities, including the use of the goods and services it produces, including scope 1 and direct emission indicators. Indirect emissions from scope 2. Social information • Taken into account the social and environmental issues in the policy purchase, including the paragraph on suppliers and subcontractors; • I mportance of the subcontracting and taken into account in the relations with the suppliers and the subcontractors of their corporate social responsibility; • Actions committed to prevent the corruption, including the paragraph on the Rexel Group’s ethical commitment. REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 192