CORRELATION TABLES 8.5 CORRELATION TABLE WITH ALL TEN PRINCIPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL COMPACT United Nations Global Compact PRINCIPLES OF THE GLOBAL COMPACT OUR COMMITMENTS OUR INITIATIVES AND PAGES INDICATORS Ethics guide 4.3.6 173 Clauses covering the corporate and 4.1.1, 4.2 159 to 160, 162 to Support and respect protection environmental responsibility of suppliers 164 of internationally proclaimed included in agreements human rights Corporate social responsibility policies 4.3.3, 4.3.5, 4.3.6 167 to 170, 172 to Refuse to be accomplice 173 of human rights abuses Charter of social commitment 4.1.3 161 to 162 Rexel Foundation for energy efficiency 4.1.3 161 to 162 Uphold freedom of association and collective bargaining Ethics guide 4.3.6 173 Elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour Clauses covering the corporate and Effective abolition of child labour environmental responsibility of suppliers 4.1.1, 4.2 159 to 160, 162 to included in agreements 164 Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and 4.3.3, 4.3.5, 4.3.6 167 to 170, 172 to occupation Corporate social responsibility policies 173 Ethics guide 4.3.6 173 Support a precautionary approach to environmental Clauses covering the corporate and 159 to 160, 162 to challenges environmental responsibility of suppliers 4.1.1, 4.2 164 Undertake initiatives to included in agreements promote greater environmental Charter for environment 175 to 177 responsibility Environmental policies 4.4.1 174 to 177 Charter for environment 175 to 177 Encourage the development Rexel 2020’s roadmap, 4.4.4 177, 186 and diffusion of environmentally Charter of social commitment 4.1.3 161 to 162 friendly technologies Rexel Foundation for a better energy 4.1.3 161 to 162 future Work against all forms of Ethics guide 4.3.6 173 corruption, including extortion and bribery Anti-money laundering and anti-, 4.1.1, 4.2, 41 to 42, 159 to 160, corruption policies 4.3.6 162 to 164, 173 REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 350