CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 3.1.6 Conflicts of interest As of the date of this Registration document and Directors who have a confl ict of interest must to Rexel’s knowledge, there exists no situation that inform the Senior Independent Director. The Board could give rise to a conflict between the private of Directors has appointed François Henrot as interests of Directors or of Rexel’s executive Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors and management and Rexel’s interests. Senior Independent Director in charge of (inter alia) managing conflict of interest situations. 3.1.7 Service agreements between Directors All potential conflicts of interest are submitted to a and Rexel or one of its subsidiaries debate within the Board of Directors. There are no service agreements between Directors or members of Rexel’s executive management and Directors who are in a situation of conflict of interest Rexel or any of its subsidiaries and providing for the shall abstain from taking part in the discussions and award of any benefits. in the vote of the relevant decisions. 3.2 COMPENSATION OF CORPORATE OFFICERS The Board of Directors refersto the Fixed portion: €40,000;(1) • recommendations of the Afep-Medef Code for the Variable portion: €5,000 per Committee meeting, determination of corporate officers’ compensation • and benefits in kind. The Board of Directors takes up to a maximum amount of €40,000 per member ;(2) such decisions based on the recommendations of the Compensation Committee. •For the members serving as Chairman of a Committee: an additional amount of €15,000 3.2.1 Compensation of Non-Executive Corporate for chairing of the Nomination Committee, an Officers (Directors) additional amount of €15,000 for chairing the Compensation Committee,and an amount The Company’s Shareholders’ Meeting may grant of €25,000 for chairing the Audit and Risk attendance fees to the Directors. Committee; On May 22, 2014, Rexel’s Shareholders’ Meeting •For the Deputy Chairman and Senior Independent granted an aggregate envelope of €1,315,000 in Director of the Board of Directors: a fixed portion attendance fees, that has not been modified since of €100,000, the variable portion remaining this date. identical to that mentioned above. The Deputy Chairman and Senior Independent Director of the Rules of allocation and amount of the attendance Board of Directors is not entitled to attendance fees paid in respect of 2017 fees in connection with the chairmanship of a In connection with this envelope and upon Committee; and recommendation of the Nomination and •For members coming from a different continent Compensation Committee, the Board of Directors to attend the Board of Directors meetings: a fixed decided that the attendance fees in respect of the travel allowance of €2,500 per stay. 2017 financial year be allocated as follows: (1)The Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors do not qualify for this fixed portion. (2) The Chairman of the Board of Directors does not qualify for this variable portion. REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 86