CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY These restatements do not correct variations due of the energy mix between 2013 and 2016 in the to growth or reduction in activity within the entities. countries where Rexel operates. Accounting for greenhouse gas emissions In the case of specific supply contracts (in particular, those including a proportion of renewable energy), Methodology and references the emission factors applied are those indicated by The methodology used by the Rexel Group to the suppliers. quantify its greenhouse gas emissions is based on the GHG Protocol framework. Calculation of emissions related to transport The scope 1 represents direct GHG emissions, from To obtain the most reliable data based on available sources held or controlled by the Rexel Group. Thus, activity data, the emissions due to transport are the Rexel Group has chosen to include emissions calculated: from vehicles on long term lease contracts over From fuel consumption, by applying an emissions • which it exercises operational control. factor for each fuel type (diesel, gasoline or LPG); The scope 2 accounts for indirect GHG emissions If this is not available, from distances traveled • resulting from the production of electricity and heat by applying an average emissions factor per purchased by the Rexel Group. kilometer, and by distinguishing between 3 vehicle The scope 3 accounts for indirect GHG emissions categories: cars (weight under 1.5 tonne), light resulting from the Rexel Group activities, but which utility vehicles such as vans (weight less than or come from sources that do not belong to the Group equal to 3.5 tonnes) and heavy vehicles (weight or over which the Group only exercises operational over 3.5 tonnes). control or has a limited impact. Sales of energy efficiency and renewable energies Emission factors used solutions In 2017, emission factors for scope 1 are derived from In 2011, the definition of sales categories for energy the GHG Protocol (“Emission Factors from Cross- efficiency and renewable energies was clarified. Sector Tools 2014”) with the exception of “other” The energy efficiency solutions segment includes categories such as emission factors associated with products and services that enable a measurable, butane or propane consumption, which are reported indirect or direct, reduction in energy consumption. by local contributors. This includes eco-efficient lighting (sources and The emission factors associated with network accessories), control systems (such as detectors and electricity consumption used in the reporting sensors), measurement systems (smart meters, etc.) software are those published by the IEA (International and eco-efficient power systems. Energy Agency). In 2016, the factors used were those The renewable energies segment includes of 2013, while in 2017 they were the 2016 factors. photovoltaic solutions (all products, accessories and These changes in emission factors between 2016 services associated with photovoltaic systems, off- and 2017 result in a 12% reduction in GHG emissions grid or grid connected) and the sales of products and related to grid electricity consumption. For example, services for the wind power market (components the emission factor for France decreased from 61 to and accessories suppl ied to the different sector 40.9 gCO e/kWh, a 30% decrease over the period.2 players). Similarly, the Australian emission factor decreased from 823 gCO e/kWh to 734.8 gCO e/kWh, a 21.1%2 2 The sales figures for 2016 and 2017 are presented decrease over the period. This is due to the evolution with comparable structures and exchange rates. REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 188