CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY were eligible under a profit-sharing agreement with address several topics and lead to several types of specific calculation criteria for each subsidiary. actions). The profit-sharing agreements in effect at the NUMBER OF QUERIES RECEIVED BY ETHICS relevant French subsidiaries conform to the French OFFICERS Labor Code. Type of query Information 18 Complaint 29 Industrial action Legal dispute 4 In 2017, 94 hours were lost to strikes in France, Other 2 Italy, Belgium and Spain, mainly, further to national Source Customers 2 of query Rexel employees 40 industrial action. Suppliers 3 Local authorities 0 4.3.6 The Rexel Group’s commitment to ethics Employee representatives/ Since 2007, the Rexel Group has adopted an ethics trade unions 0 policy centered on promoting behavior and actions Anonymous 6 that conform to its ethical principles. This initiative Other 2 found expression in an Ethics Guide that is drawn Subject Customer relations 3 up and distributed to al l employees of the Rexel of query Supplier relations 5 Group. The Guide is appl icable in every country Relations between 4 where the Rexel Group is active. It appl ies to al l employees 15 employees and is intended as an aid providing clear Discrimination 6 references for deal ing with potential ly sensitive Working conditions 10 situations in the workplace. It was updated in 2009 Anti-corruption 2 and again in 2013 to reflect the Rexel Group’s Anti-fraud and growing commitment to ethics, in particular its anti-theft 11 joining of the United Nations Global Compact in Environmental 2011. In 2014, a campaign on the Data protection protection 0 m was launched for all Rexel employees with Type of measure Préventive 10 progra put in place Corrective 30 a focus on strengthening precautions relative to Region 6 the use of social media. In 2017, the Rexel Group Europe strengthened its existing alert procedures as wel l North America 35 as procedures against corruption. The Guide lays Asia-Pacific 12 out the principles which the Rexel Group defends In 2017, 53 ethics cases were brought to the attention and upholds on economic, environmental and of an ethics officer of the Rexel Group. Most were human scales. recorded in North America and 15 cases were related A network of “ethics correspondents” was put in to relations between employees. place to drive the Rexel Group’s ethics policy. These Al l queries were processed, verified (by means of correspondents are appointed by the country heads an audit or investigation led by the management and perform this function over and above their of the country in question) and dealt with through other duties. They make sure all Group employees preventive and/or corrective measures as receive a copy of the Ethics Guide, take all necessary appropriate. The remaining cases are stil l being measures to implement the Group’s ethical principles investigated or resolved. and practices, and respond to any queries. They can be contacted on a confidential basis via email by 4.3.7 Note on methodology anyone, whether a Rexel employee or not, wishing The employee-related scope of reporting includes to ask them a question or tell them about a specific all fully consolidated legal entities having at least one problem. employee. Acquired or newly created entities are The following table summarizes the queries received included in the scope of reporting: in 2017 altogether by ethics officers according •In the year of acquisition if before November 1 to type, source, subject and region (a query can (inclusive); or REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 173