CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY The Rexel Group’s total water consumption was plastic boxes for del iveries of smal l materials approximately 287,230 cubic meters in 2017, based between logistics centers and branches. on quantified elements representing a scope of Further to the opening of new branches, and the 95.9% of the Rexel Group’s sales. change in distribution models, the consumption of At constant scope, this consumption decreased by packaging materials increased by 6% at constant 11.7% compared to 2016. scope, compared to 2016. These figures must be qualified by the fact that packaging consumption monitoring has also improved year on year Evolution of water consumption (m), constant scope3 (thanks notably to the implementation of separate 350,000 accounting from other consumables) and is, 323,826 therefore, more comprehensive. 300,000 286,072 250,000 Evolution of packaging material consumption (tonnes) 200,000 14,000 12,910 150,000 12,168 12,000 100,000 10,000 50,000 8,000 0 2017 2016 6,000 4,000 Packaging materials and paper 2,000 consumption 0 2017 2016 Packaging materials Cardboard boxes Plastic packaging The total quantity of packaging (cardboard, plastic, Wooden packaging wood, other packaging) consumed by the Rexel Other packaging Group in 2017 is estimated at 13,270 tonnes, based Note: the packaging quantities reported here are only those on a scope representing 99.97% of the Rexel Group purchased and consumed by the Rexel Group. They do not take into account supplier packaging reused by the Rexel Group. sales, broken down as follows: Paper Packaging material consumption by type of material In 2017, the Rexel Group consumed around (2017) 1,241 tonnes of paper to print its sales leaflets, Other packaging brochures and catalogues. The consumption of purchased other paper (office paper, invoicing, etc.) was nearly 3% 1,171 tonnes. 61% of the total quantity of paper used were certified from recycled fibers or sustainably managed forests. This data is calculated based on a Wooden scope representing 100% of the Rexel Group’s sales. packaging Cardboard purchased boxes The Rexel Group’s international scale is a powerful 53% purchased driver to optimize and rational ize its indirect 37% purchasing policy, by using a responsible approach to reduce its environmental impacts. Thus, in 2017, the Rexel Group continued to work Plastic packaging with approved office equipment, printing and paper purchased suppliers to reduce the amount of paper consumed. 7% Lastly, the digitization of a number of documents Reuse of packaging is encouraged within the Rexel (catalogues, invoices, etc.) enabled to enhance Group: numerous countries have implemented a these efforts. Thus, at constant scope, total paper system to reuse pal lets, wood drums and supplier consumption decreased by 7% between 2016 and boxes for customer deliveries, or to use reusable 2017. REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 182