OVERVIEW OF THE REXEL GROUP Rexel Développement is an operational holding products as well as the acquisition and management company (holding d’animation). It centralizes the of equity investments in other companies. It is functional and operating management teams of the indirectly wholly owned by Rexel Développement. Rexel Group. It employs the staff dedicated to the management of the Rexel Group. It holds the Rexel Rexel Belgium SA is a company governed by the laws Group operational companies, directly or indirectly. of Belgium, with a share capital of €30,000,000, having its registered office at Zuiderlaan 91, 1731 Rexel Développement has entered into service Zellik, Belgium. It is registered with the Companies agreements with certain of its subsidiaries in the House under number 0437.237.396. Its main activity financial, cash management, legal, accounting, is the supply and distribution of electrical products. 1 human resources, activities (purchases, logistics) or It is wholly owned by Rexel Développement. IT systems fields. RexelDéveloppement has entered into cash Rexel Sverige AB is a company governed by the laws management agreements and / or loan agreements of Sweden with a share capital of SKR 80,000,000 with certain of its subsidiaries in order to allow for paid-up at SKR 46,500,000. Its registered office their financing. is at Prästgårdsgränd 4, 125 44 Älvsjö, Stockholm, Sweden. It is registered with the registry of commerce Rexel’s principal direct and indirect subsidiaries are and companies under number 556062-0220. Its described below. With the exception of the equity main activity is the distribution of electrical products securities of the Rexel Group’s companies and as well as holding equity investments in companies certain intellectual property rights, held, inter alia, by in the electrical products distribution business. It is Rexel Développement, such subsidiaries do not hold wholly owned by Rexel Développement. any strategic economic assets. Rexel DéveloppementSAS is a simpl ified joint Elektroskandia Norge AS is a company governed stock company (société par actions simplifiée) by the laws of Norway with a share capital of governed by the laws of France with a share capital NOK 82,150,000. Its registered office is in Fugleåsen 6, of €2,098,654,090. Its registered office is at 13, N-1405, Langhus, Norway. It is registered with the boulevard du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris, France. The registry of commerce and companies under number company is registered under number 480 172 840 977 454 700. Its main activity is the supply and R.C.S. Paris. Rexel holds 100% of its share capital distribution of electrical products. It is indirectly and acts as chairman of Rexel Développement. wholly owned by Hagemeyer Finance B.V. Rexel Développement provides services G. is a joint stock company (management, strategic planning, finance, human Elektro-Material A. resources, IT/Telecoms and legal) to the Group (Aktiengesellschaft) governed by the laws of companies. Furthermore, Rexel Développement Switzerland with a share capital of CHF 136,350,000. directly or indirectly holds Rexel Group operating Its registered office is at Heinrichstrasse 200, investments and, among other things, provides 8005 Zurich, Switzerland. It is registered with cash management services for certain Rexel Group the registry of commerce and companies under operating subsidiaries in France and abroad. number CH-626.3.005.380-6. Its main activity is the distribution of electrical products, the management Europe of shareholdings and the provision of services. It is Rexel Austria GmbH is a company governed by the wholly owned by Rexel Développement. laws of Austria, with a share capital of €10,000,000, Rexel France is a simplified joint stock company having its registered office at 1, Murbangasse, 1100 (société paractions simplifiée) governed by the laws Vienna, Austria. It is registered with the registry of of France with a share capital of €41,940,672. Its commerce and companies of Vienna under number registered office is at 13, boulevard du Fort de Vaux, FN 155978f. Its main activity is the distribution of 75017 Paris, France. The company is registered with electrical products. It is whol ly owned by Rexel the registry of commerce and companies under Central Europe Holding GmbH. number 309 304 616 R.C.S. Paris. Its purpose is Hagemeyer Deutschland GmbH & CoKG is a limited to distribute al l electrical and electronic products, partnership with a share capital governed by the household appliances, IT equipment and derivative laws of Germany (Kommanditeinlage) with a share products, and more general ly the supply of al l capital of €13,001,000. Its registered office is at materials and products for the construction and Landsberger Str. 312, 80687, Munich, Germany. It manufacturing industries, local authorities and is registered with the registry of commerce and individuals. In addition, its purpose is also to hold companies under number HRA 48737. Its main and manage shareholdings in other companies. It is activity is the supply and distribution of electrical wholly owned by Rexel Développement. REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 29