Rexel, a French société anonyme with a share capital of €1,516,715,885 Registered office: 13, boulevard du Fort de Vaux – 75017 Paris 479 973 513 R.C.S. Paris REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2017 In application of its General Regulations, specifically Article 212-23, the French Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des marchés financiers) registered the French version of this Registration document on April 04, 2018. The French version of this document shal l not be used in support of any financial transaction unless supplemented by a note d’opération approved by the French Financial Markets Authority. The French version of this document was prepared by the issuer and is binding on its signatories. Registration, pursuant to Article L.621-8-1-I of the French Monetary and Financial Code, was made after the French Financial Markets Authority verified that the French version of this document was complete and comprehensible and that the information therein is consistent. It does not imply any authentication by the French Financial Markets Authority of the financial and accounting information presented. This document is a free translation in English of the original document, which was prepared in French. In al l matter of interpretation, views or opinions expressed in the original language of the document in French take precedent over the translation. Copies of this Registration document are available at no cost at the registered office of Rexel, 13, boulevard du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris – France. This Registration document is also available on the web site of Rexel ( and on the web site of the Autorité des marchés financiers (