CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY participants to exchange on good practices and the support of the Executive Committee, several areas for improvement, and sharing the information projects were implemented, in particular: related to sustainable development in order to The structuring of the environmental management improve knowledge and skill level. • policy of the Group through the release of the In addition to the existing tools and processes, Environmental Charter and assistance to the Rexel the Sustainable Development Department raises Group subsidiaries in implementing standard EMS, awareness among all employees on environmental ISO 14001 certification as wel l as promotion of and social issues via an awareness raising campaign energy audits and ISO 50001; called “Ecodays”. The reduction of energy consumption giving • A website available in three languages enables al l priority to the setting up in the premises of employees to seek information on issues associated measurement and management devices as wel l with the protection of the environment, the various as the replacement of lighting sources by more initiatives launched by the Rexel Group and its energy-saving equipment; subsidiaries in this field, and on daily habits they Raising awareness of al l employees in respect can adopt to help reduce the environmental • footprint of the Rexel Group. This digital campaign of control ling the main environmental impacts: is supplemented by on-site events in the Group energy, packaging, waste and greenhouse gas subsidiaries and headquarters and by several in- emissions so that they become internal actors and, house contests to engage employees in both social external actors together with the stakeholders; and environmental issues. The Ecodays are thus a key •The Group’s commitment to an approach aiming 4 tool for raising awareness internally on sustainable at assessing, in particular, the environmental development issues and provide an overall view of performance of stakeholders in the value chain; the Rexel Group’s sustainable development policy. and This platform contributes to achieving the objective The increasing awareness among customers set by Rexel to inform and raise awareness with • 100% of employees by 2020. about energy efficient electrical products and thus boosting the relevant sales. Training on sustainable development The results and main initiatives are presented in Sustainable development training is available on paragraphs 4.4.3 “Environmental aspects of the Rexel Academy. It presents the main challenges and Rexel Group activities” and 4.4.4 “Energy efficiency principles of sustainable development with videos, and renewable energy solutions” of this Registration practical cases and quizzes. document. A comprehensive e-learning module in connection with energy efficiency is also available for al l with 4.4.2 Risk management and regulatory three levels of expertise. The objective of this compliance program is to help employees to improve their knowledge level, strengthening their expertise and Assessment and conformity approach improve self-confidence when they discuss energy Compl iance with regulatory environmental efficiency. requirements is essential when defining the environmental policy, both on a global scale and 2017 objectives and achievements local scale. The Rexel Group has defined environmental targets The main regulations l ikely to affect the Rexel for 2020 associated with climate change: Group activities are included in paragraph 1.8.2 •At least double the sales of energy efficiency “Environmental regulations” of this Registration products and services (2011 baseline); and document. •Reduce by at least 30% the greenhouse gas The Rexel Group’s business falls under environmental emissions of its operations (2010 baseline). regulations provided for in European Directives and In 2017, upon suggestion of the Sustainable Regulations (among other): Development Division, in accordance with the •Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament recommendations of the Board of Directors and with and Council of June 8, 2011, known as the “RoHS” REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 177