CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY •As from January 1 of the year N+1 if after The following reasons are excluded: November 1. – Promotions; Disposed entities or terminated activities are – Changes in function or level within the same deconsol idated with immediate effect. In 2017, entity; entities disposed in Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, – Hiring of interns and temporary workers; and Vietnam, the Philippines, Macau and Malaysia were – Hiring of employees under the V.I.E. scheme; thus deconsol idated. In 2016, entities disposed in Poland, Slovakia and the Baltics States were • In countries such as China and the USA where deconsolidated. permanent employment (indefinite contract) is not common practice, the term “permanent Employment indicators are col lected and employee” applies to any employee who is not consol idated via Enablon to which al l reporting hired for a specific project having a set period; entities have access. • The number of training hours is based in part on It should be noted that: a follow-up taken from Rexel Academy. This tool •The workforce is defined by the number of does not allow for an exhaustive census, which is (ful l-time and part-time) permanent and fixed- why another part is based on estimation in some term employees on the payrol l at December 31. entities (e.g. based on the average number of Employees on extended leave (for example training hours per employee); parental leave, sabbatical leave or leave of absence The absenteeism rate is calculated in reference to to start a business) are included in the reported • the number of calendar days, as is the standard, workforce. on the basis of the total number of absentee days The following reasons are excluded: (for any reason) and the number of days in the – Interns (paid or unpaid); year; – Temporary employees; The frequency rate of work accidents only takes • – Subcontractors; work accidents leading to at least one lost day – Employees in early retirement; and (excluding the day of the accident) into account; – Employees fal ling under the V.I .E. scheme (a The severity rate of work accidents is calculated • kind of international internship); on the basis of lost days as a result of work •The inclusion of new employees is reported by accidents and the number of hours worked. The reason: number of hours worked corresponds to the real – Hiring of (full-time and part-time) permanent or duration of working time during which employees fixed-term employees; are exposed to the risk of an accident; and – Integration of employees of acquired entities; • The bases on which the number of lost days related and to work accidents is calculated take account of – Other reasons, for example Group mobi l ity the differences in local legislation and may differ (internal transfer of permanent employees from from those defined in the HR scope of reporting; one entity of the Rexel Group to another); commuting accidents are excluded. 4.4 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION 4.4.1 The Rexel Group’s environmental policy generates logistic flows, the Rexel Group has a widespread environmentalfootprint on Environmental responsibility the ecosystems in which it conducts business Due to its worldwide presence and the nature (resource consumption, waste generation, direct of its business, the Rexel Group’s environmental and indirect emissions); responsibility is three-fold: By developing and sel ling energy management • •As a global company with operations in numerous solutions, the Rexel Group also takes up an countries that manages infrastructures and important coaching role and helps to improve REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 174