CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CURRENT AUTHORIZATIONS AUTHORIZATIONS PROPOSED TO THE SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING OF MAY 24, 2018 DATE OF THE GM TERM MAXIMUM RESOLUTION TYPE OF DELEGATION (NO. OF (DATE OF AUTHORIZED USE NO. TERM MAXIMUM AMOUNT RESOLUTION) EXPIRY) AMOUNT Issuance with May 23, 2017 18 months 1% of the share N/A 20 18 1% of the share capital cancellation of (resolution 29) (November 22, capital as at the date months as at the date of the the preferential 2018) of the decision of the decision of the Board of subscription right Board of Directors Directors reserved for certain This maximum to be This maximum to be categories of deducted from the deducted from the beneficiaries in order maximum of €720M €720M maximum to allow employee provided for by provided for by resolution shareholding resolution number 22 of the Shareholders’ transactions 22 Meeting of May 23, 2017 This maximum to This maximum to be be deducted from deducted from the the joint maximum joint maximum amount amount of 2% of 2% provided for by provided for by resolutions number 19 resolutions number and 20 28 and 29 DECREASE IN THE SHARE CAPITAL BY CANCELLING SHARES Decrease in the share May 23, 2017 18 months 10% of the share N/A 16 18 10% of the share capital by cancelling (resolution 21) (November 22, capital on the date months capital on the date of shares 2018) of cancellation by cancellation by 24-month 24-month period period REPURCHASE BY REXEL OF ITS OWN SHARES Share repurchase May 23, 2017 18 months 10% of share Utilization under the 15 18 10% of share capital as (resolution 20) (November 22, capital as at the Exane BNP Paribas months at the completion date 2018) completion date liquidity contract Maximum total amount Maximum for market-making €250,000,000 total amount purposes (from Maximum repurchase €250,000,000 May 23, 2017 to price €30 October 31, 2017): Maximum purchase of 4,685,582 repurchase price shares at an average €30 price of €15.07 and sales of 4,685,582 shares at an average price of €15.09 Utilization under the Natixis liquidity contract for market- making purposes (from November 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017): purchase of 1,246,496 shares at an average price of €15.18 and sales of 1,242,731 shares at an average price of €15.26 REXEL 2017 – REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 146