EDITORIAL Increasing the number of Above all else, more actions need to be taken that influencegirls’ decision-making. Holding meetings with women engin- women in engineering requires eers, demonstrating the profession’s contributions that bene- concerted action right now fit individuals and society, encouraging girls who have an aptitude for subjects related to engineering training, explaining According to the results of an Ipsos survey of 2,300 OIQ the many career opportunities, and assisting girls who have members conducted earlier this year, most respondents less of an aptitude for math, but are still interested in science. (77% of women and 82% of men) think that engineering is a All of these actions will make it possible to steer more girls promising profession for women. More than 8 out of 10 mem- toward our profession. bers would also recommend engineering to their daughters. Yet, women are significantly underrepresented in the profession Concrete actions in Québec. Only 15% of engineer’s permit holders are women, The OIQ and its regional committees are already active in the even though they make up over half of the population. Our field. Here are some examples. profession should rely on the competencies and skills of all Regional committee volunteers met with more than 5,500 • engineers, both men and women alike! young people aged 12 to 18 across Québec in 2017-2018. To permanently change this situation, Engineers Canada Thanks to these meetings, they were able to raise the launched the 30 by 30 campaign, which seeks to raise the awareness of hundreds of young boys and girls. In the percentage of women among new engineers from its current fall, the regional committees will recruit volunteers like 18% to 30% by 2030. The Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec you to promote the profession. I hope you will answer actively supports this initiative, just like all other engineering the call! regulators across Canada. The OIQ provides tools to help carry out these activities. • To succeed, all actors concerned must work together and take For example, we just launched a new version of concerted actions. With this in mind, the OIQ took the initiative placeforyou.ca, a bilingual Web site with a quiz on career to set up a working group that includes all these actors. Edu- opportunities in engineering and many other features cational institutions, community organizations, the engineering for young people. The site has a section intended for girls student association, OIQ representatives...we are already work- that sends a clear message: “There is a place for you in ing together to reach the set target. engineering!” • The OIQ is also continuing its partnership with the GÉNIAL! Acting right now television program, which is broadcast from Monday to Unfamiliarity with the profession is one of the reasons why Friday on Télé-Québec. This year, the program will include women are underrepresented in engineering. The career a series of short features that puts the spotlight on several opportunities and the multidisciplinary aspect of our profession young women who study engineering. are not well known. It seems that young women are drawn • As for me, I regularly meet with women’s groups at uni- more to professions where they can be of assistance and use versities and workplaces and encourage their participants to society. At that age, they do not seem to realize that engin- to make a positive contribution in their environment. eering helps improve our society in many ways. For this reason, I also participate in promotional activities for the profes- demystifying science in general and engineering in particular sion. needs to be a priority. Other actions will be taken in the coming months to raise the Given the amount of time it takes to train an engineer and awareness of actors in the education community, as they will integrate her into the profession, the time to act is now. We play a decisive role in the success of the 30 by 30 initiative. need to be there for girls during the transitional phases when We can all make a positive contribution. Whether we do so in they begin to make real decisions about their future academic our professional or personal environments, let’s take every plans. That means being present when they are searching for opportunity we can to promote the profession! information about career opportunities including at their CEGEPs, secondary schools, and even before that. Certain obstacles and issues also need to be dealt with. Dwin- dling interest in mathematics and science in secondary schools is one of them. The lack of encouragement from parents and society, the few positive experiences shared by women in the Kathy Baig, Eng., FEC, MBA field, and the stereotypes are all issues that need to be President addressed. Share your comments with us : bulletin@oiq.qc.ca. • SEPTEMBRE-OCTOBRE 2018• 7