Crédit Mutuel Group - 2018 Activity Report EXPLORING EVERY POSSIBILITY TO CREATE A BETTER WORLD FOCUS ON Behind the simplicity, fl uidity and practical nature of a solution or service can often befound a long work of refl ection and considerable human and technological resources.“COGNITIVE FACTORY” Crédit Mutuel has successfully structured itself and harnessed the best expertise in order A SKILL CENTER DEDICATED TO to expand the limits of customer relationship interactivity and effi ciency. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE A way of setting new service standards, making them constantly accessible and never The group’s technological development also draws on the Crédit Mutuel resting on its laurels. - IBM Cognitive Factory based in Strasbourg. The ultimate aim of this center, currently made up of around 100 employees from Euro-Information and IBM Watson dedicated solely to artificial intelligence and its various applications, is to assist customer advisors in their daily work. These teams 1 + 1 = 3... work together to develop innovative tools for serving customers, members Whenmusic COLLABORATIONCREATES VALUE ADDED and employees, and to construct a factory that will supply the group with the most cutting-edge cognitive solutions on the are already being used at 5,000 local banks and branches inions thSolut gives... ROUTE DU RHUM 2022 AND TECHNOLOGY: CRÉDIT MUTUEL JOINS the group’s networks. TARATATA 100% LIVE: WHEN PATHS CROSS THE PAYLIB COMMUNITY At the Cognitive Factory, business line analysts, data analysts, consultants,Crédit Mutuel gave the opening Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale has embarked on an ambitiousThis new application enables the group to offer facilities such as software developers, architects and AI experts design the technological note for a live version of the sporting and technology challenge through its partnership “Paylib sans contact” and “Paylib en ligne” for settling online solutions of the future within a secure infrastructure. Together, they discover TARATATA TV show. with skipper Ian Lipinski. The future sail boat Crédit Mutuel,purchases made using a PC, tablet or mobile phone without new uses and invent the methods and tools that will enable their a high-performance monohull, will take part in the major raceshaving to enter bank card data, as well as “Paylib entre amis”, A special show in which music in the Class 40 circuit. This collaboration combines humanwhich enables users to send money to a friend or family member industrialization on a broad scale. The partnership with IBM also allows and solidarity went hand in hand adventure with cutting-edge technological innovation, at theusing simply their phone number. A new, secure and particularly them to benefi t from feedback from other proects around the world andj as all the takings were donated point where Ian Lipinski’s paths and Crédit Mutuel’s actions cross.innovative “all-in-one” payment solution, available on Lyf draw on IBM France’s resources to boost the team’s operational to Fondation pour la Recherche capabilities. Médicale to fund cancer research. (Source: Résonance - Summer 2018) I am proud to wear Crédit Mutuel’s colors... My approach in this project is all about innovation and that, to a great extent, is what we have in common... Ian Lipinski Ian Lipinski, Crédit Mutuel skipper, with Nicolas Théry and Daniel Baal, Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer of Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale. 50 51