Crédit Mutuel Group - 2018 Activity Report A GROUP AT THE SERVICE OF PEOPLE AND THEIR TERRITORIES 2,100 LOCAL BANKS 19 REGIONAL FEDERATIONS 6 FEDERAL BANKS 1 CENTRAL BODY The 2,100 local banks cover the whole of France, providing local The federations are made up the member local banks in their As the financial conduits for the regional federations, the federal Confédération Nationale du Crédit Mutuel is the central governing presence, better services and closer ties to our members and region and represent them on a regional basis. banks pool their financial resources and are responsible in particular body of the group under the French Monetary and Financial Code customers. for: and the 19 federations are members of it. There are 18 such federations, plus a national federation specifically • organizing technical and financial operations in the regions, As lending banks, they are the engine for the group’s local for farming, Crédit Mutuel Agricole et Rural (CMAR). • managing resources (liquidity management, provision of financial, Like the federations, it has a national financing organization, involvement and responsiveness. Each local bank is a variable- technical and IT services), the national mutual bank, whose equity capital is owned by all capital cooperative company attached to a regional federation. As regional strategy and oversight bodies, the federations represent the federal and interfederal banks. Crédit Mutuel and give direction to the banks’ activities in their • granting loans to local administrations. The equity capital is owned by the members. This equity capital is regions. CNCM is a professional representative body that supervises and made up of shares and non-distributable reserves. To achieve synergies and streamline resources and costs, some of represents Crédit Mutuel and ensures its financial solidarity at the These 19 federations are all affiliated to the Confédération Nationale the federations have joined forces to form inter-regional federal national level. The local banks are run by a board of directors made up of elected du Crédit Mutuel (CNCM), which represents them on the national banks under technical, IT and financial partnerships. representatives. level. THE HEART OF THE LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATION COORDINATION FINANCING BODIES SUPERVISION AND 95% of banking business in each region IN THE REGIONS NATIONAL REPRESENTATION of lending decisions are taken locally As at January 1, 2019, 6 federal banks work to ensure the financial soundness of the group: n Caisse Fédérale Crédit Mutuel Nord Europe, n Caisse Fédérale de Crédit Mutuel for the federations of: n Caisse Fédérale Crédit Mutuel Maine-Anjou, Basse-Normandie, Anjou, Centre, Centre Est Europe, Dauphiné-Vivarais, n Caisse Fédérale Crédit Mutuel Océan, Ile-de-France, Loire-Atlantique, Centre-Ouest, n Caisse Fédérale Crédit Mutuel Antilles-Guyane, Méditerranéen, Midi-Atlantique, Normandie, n Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, inter-federal bank for the Bretagne, Savoie-Mont Blanc and Sud-Est. Massif Central and Sud-Ouest federations, 34 35