Crédit Mutuel Group - 2018 Activity Report INNOVATING MEANS A GROUP FULLY INTEGRATED Crédit Mutuel Arkéa is developing Max, an innovative servicesr of excellence project INTO THE FINTECH ECOSYSTEM platform. In Brest, ithas launched a cente KNOWING HOW TO dedicated to developing and supporting fi ntech businesses, All Crédit Mutuel’s regional groups fi gure prominently in the alongside its partners in the region; it is a partner of Station F’s fi ntech ecosystem. “Tech for Good” acceleration program launched in January 2019 for social entrepreneurs. Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale is the fi rst French banking aine-Anjou, Basse-Normandie BRING TOGETHER group to introduce cognitive technology on a wide scale to assistits advisors. It also offers an innovative mobile payment solutionwith Lyf Pay.Crédit Mutuel MCrédit Mutuel OcéHelloAsso, a fi nancing platform for not-for-profi t organizationsan have contributed more than €6 million toand that operates based on an original business model. A partnership THE BEST TALENT Through its subsidiary La Française, Crédit Mutuel Nord based on shared values: local proximity, participation and human Europe develops innovative real estate fi nancing solutions. involvement. THE INNOVATION COMMUNITY: THE ART OF FINDING NEW SOURCES OF INSPIRATION Interview with Bachir GuemouriInnovation Factory Why did the group decide to create this community? B.G.: It all started in March 2017 when Executive Management decided to DANCING CHEEK TO CHEEK WITH TECHNOLOGY perform asituation analysis with regard to innovation at all the group entities. In July 2017, the “Innovons ensemble” approach was approved with the aim of sharing best practices with regard to innovation, Thanks to digital technology, day by day the Crédit Mutuel group enhances communicating on entities’ existing innovation projects and pooling the customer relationship and experience based on a simple principle: use resources so as to make more effi cient progress on innovative projects. technology to serve people. This approach strengthens the customer advisor’s key role, at the heart of a multichannel organization. How does this enhance dialog for the men and women By making the most of the new possibilities offered by artifi cial intelligence, working for the group? the group improves the quality and relevance of its responses, as in the case of email B.G.: Everybody has the potential to be an innovator. They can enter When music analyzersthat currently process more than 350,000 customer emails per day their ideasor contributions via tools put at their disposal by the Innovation . offi cers at their entity. The IT teams are involved in the process upstream sounds... Crédit Mutuel has also stepped up the deployment of cognitive solutions so as to facilitate industrialization of the innovation when decided by the in new fi elds and in all its bankinsurance businesses. Steering Committee. 20thedition of the Why has innovation always been at the center of the strategy NRJ Music Awards: SECURITY: A CARD WITH A CONSTANTLY of Euro-Information, the group’s IT backbone? with a TV audience of nearly B.G.: Technology has always been a lever for development within the 5 million on TF1 and thanks CHANGING CRYPTOGRAM group, even before the present acceleration in digital technology and its to activation on the ground Bank card fraud is declining for the fi rst time since 2004 but it unleashing in all parts of society. Innovation is often linked to technologyof the RIFFX by Crédit Mutuel is most frequent online (25 times more frequent than in-store). and Euro-Information has always therefore quite naturally endeavored music platform, it was A new card is now being marketed to strengthen security on to be among the fi rst in the fi eld of bankinsurance to offer innovative an unforgettable evening online purchases. The three-digit security cryptogram on the back services and products to our customers and members. for music fans. of the card has been replaced by a mini screen that automatically (Source: Résonance - Summer 2018) displays a new code every hour. The code therefore rapidly becomes obsolete and can no longer be put to fraudulent use. 48 49