Consulting & Products Consulting & Products Mooring (and hull) Monitoring TYPICAL DEPLOYMENT TYPICAL DEPLOYMENT project experience project experience references references 2022@TechnipEnergies - All rights reserved • Direct load measurement by compressive or shear load cells • Indirect measurement • Mooring line breakage detection by angle measurement (inclinometers) or by GPS / AI (ALANN) refer to separate sheet • Chain or tendon tension processing based on strain measurement (subsea Vibrating Wire sensors) Mooring (and hull) Monitoring Solutions: Typical Deployment Project experience References For all types of floater mooring lines and TLP tendons. Diver or ROV-deployable. Can be retrofitted. GPS mooring failure systems are fully topsides. Angle measurement (ALLMS) • CHEVRON Frade (Brazil - 2009) • BP Skarv (Norway - 2011) • TOTAL Dalia (Angola - 2001/2013) • SHELL Prelude (Australia - 2014) • ENERGEAN Karish (Israel - 2019) Tension measurement (TMS) • TOTAL Usan (Nigeria - 2013) • PETROBRAS Guara/Lula (Brazil - 2014) • SHELL Vito (GoM - 2019) • ENI Allegheny (GoM - 2019) Papers: OMAE2019-96288, OMAE2018-77084, OMAE2017-61942, OTC-29263-MS.