carbon-free solutions carbon-free solutions Offshore C-HubTM TYPICAL DEPLOYMENT TYPICAL DEPLOYMENT references references 2022@TechnipEnergies - All rights reserved The Offshore C-HubTM is a floating (ship-shaped) vessel that receives liquid CO2 from shuttle tankers, provides buffer storage of liquid CO2 in its hull and continuous injection of the CO2 into an offshore aquifer or depleted reservoir for permanent disposal (sequestration). The liquid CO2 may come from multiple locations / sources / industries. CO2 Injection rates from 1 Mtpa to more than 5 Mtpa are envisaged. Typical Deployment References The Offshore C-HubTM is adaptable to various locations and water depths. The CO2 can come from several locations with varying distance and quantities and can adapt to changing CO2 sources during field lifetime. The Offshore C-HubTM can be relocatable which reduces the risk associated with geological uncertainty. GPA Europe 2021 conference paper “OFFSHORE C-HUBTM, A floating storage and injection facility for CO2 sequestration”. A feasibility study for Total Energies/Equinor has been performed.