WHEELS www.britpart.com Make Your Land Rover A Star! Details on how to enter and full terms and conditions - www.britpart.com/calendar Here at Britpart we are planning our next Land Rover themed calendar and we’d love to feature the pictures of proud Land Rovers owner’s vehicles - whatever model, age or condition of the vehicle. We love to see pictures of Land Rovers in locations stretching from rural UK, right through to vehicles in a foreign urban environment - use your imagination. Winning entries will all feature in the next Britpart calendar and each one picked will win a great prize. So get out there with your Land Rover and camera - happy snapping. You can send us as many entries as you would like! Good luck! www.britpart.com/calendar 62 2W0IN2NE3 R ARSPouvmP1nehn rao o2ef trito-hiuz seplx ea sb le