Facing the challenges of climate change, with and for young people Helping young people living on the streets to integrate Into soclety, providing schools with renewable energy and raising environmental awareness: these are Just some of the initiatives encouraged and supported by the Air France Foundation in 2023. The effects of climate change, repeated hurricanes and earthquakes are making living conditions even more difficult in some of the world’s poorest countries. In this context, supporting educational Initlatives that take current vulnerabilities and challenges into account is essential for the Foundation. READ MORE READ MORE Ralsing environmental awareness In children In Côte d’ivolre with Mol Jeu tri The nonprofit and the Mol jeu tri (I Recycle) programme align perfectly with the Air France Foundation’s mission: promoting climate awareness, acting for the future of young people, and participating in international humanitarian efforts. That’s why the Foundation has decided to support this organisation. Mol jeu tri, an NGO and an educational programme, focuses on environmental protection and social inclusion in Côte d’lvoire. Since 2019, It has been helping children from an young age with their education. More than 17,000 students have already benefited from this awareness-raising programme, which sets up recycling and reusing within the local ecosystem, creating a circular economy. In 2023 105 schools were involved. Sorting waste, fighting Illegal dumping, ralsing awareness of pollution and its consequences on health are major challenges for the residents of Abidjan and all Ivorian towns and cites. Creating vegetable gardens in schools and planning festive events provide fun ways to learn together. This project was funded by the Air France Foundation with a donation of €25,000. Qosqo makl reintegrates young people In Peru In 2023, the Air France Corporate Foundation supported Qosgo makl’s projects, which help young people living on the streets and victims of social injustice in Cusco, a major city in Peru. Thanks to the Foundation’s support,-the nonprofit has been able to create three new spaces, Including one for self-expression. The first two are responsible tourism spaces (accommodation and cafeteria); the third is a place where young people can build self-confidence through making music. There are now 310 young people in the programme between the ages of 13 and 18 Left to fend for themselves on the streets, these young people have often fled their family homes because of violence or insufficient means of subsistence. Qosgo makl, which is first and foremost an educational space, takes them in, provides them with accommodation and support, and meets their dally needs, letting them live in the dormitory for free. It offers these young people a safe space based on the principles of co-management and freedom of expression. The home Is supervised by professional educators. This nonprofit focuses on fighting injustice, developing skills and knowledge, and providing opportunities to learn a trade. Two workshops, one carpentry workshop and one bakery are already helping to give these young people another chance. Users and teams work together, developing skills that can be used professionally. The Air France Foundation funded this Initiative with a donation of €16.000. Taking action In Haltlan schools with Electriclens sans frontières Électriciens sans frontières (Electricians without Borders) is one of the new initlatives supported by the Air France Foundation. A €20,000 grant helped to provide solar power and refurbish the interior electrical equipment of six Haltian schools. More than 1,000 children are directly invoived in this initiative in partnership with Solidarité Laïque, which is local, Action Education and two Haltian nonprofits. Restoring good conditions for learning at school and Improving the working environment for teachers are the very concrete objectives of the international NGO Électriciens sans frontières. In Haiti, the poorest country in the northern hemisphere, buildings, Including schools, are frequently hit, weakened or even destroyed by violent hurricanes. The NGO also provides training on maintenance and durability of the equipment and information on electrical risks. The NGO Électriclens sans frontières takes climate emergencies into account, favouring renewable energles. Its work with the people on the ground aligns with the Air France Foundation’s desire to work as closely as possible with young people and children. Terra dos homes supports young people from the favelas In Brazil The Air France Foundation and this nonprofit have enjoyed a unique, long-term partnership since 2006. Terra dos homes runs a group of twenty young people from a favela in Rio de Janeiro. This programme involves writing and publishing three environmental newspapers distributed to hundreds of community residents. Sharing information, raising collective awareness and bulling a sense of community through festive events are the keys to this original, creative Initiative, which meets the specific needs of the young people concerned. Each event brings together dozens of local residents and is an opportunity to share knowledge about environmental issues with everyone. This initlative, which is built with and for young people, Is sponsored by an Air France ground staff member. The Foundation donated €25,000 to the nonprofit. Developing eco-tourism activities in the Republic of Congo The specific aim of the project is to help develop eco-tourism activities on M’Bamou island, for the benefit of the local population, through a number of young girls in eco-tourism and catering. The actions, including training 40 aim is also to support them in their professional integration in synergy with the operation of the USE (catering service, organisation of guided tours of the villages and craft markets). The project also aims to raise public awareness of the need to preserve the environment and enhance cultural heritage. Claudia Cabral témoignage témoignage Founder and director of Terra dos homes (BrazIl) SCROLL Claudia CabralFounder and director of Terra dos homes (Brazil) ’’The Brazillan nonprofit Terra dos homes (ABTH) works in a very violent favela on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. It has a population of around 12,000, for whom drug trafficking and violence between police and traffickers are unfortunately part of everyday life. ABTH works with familles and offers psychosocial support to young people and adolescents, as well as artistic activities. We also mobilise local residents to spread the values of human rights and environmental protection through social media. In 2023, the Air France Foundation supported the Terra dos homes project to train young people in nature conservation. A group of twenty teenagers between the ages of 12 and 16 living in the Manguelrinha Caxias favela created a newspaper dedicated to raising awareness for the environment and quallty of life. They distributed several coples at an event open to the community, and two other young people shared them on Instagram. The initiative involved around 180 residents. The teens also gave a presentation on the «Three Rs» (Reduce consumption, Reuse clothes and Recycle). They also made posters and organised conferences on healthy living, nature conservation and conscious waste disposal. The collaboration between the Air France Foundation and Terra dos homes Is fundamental for the inhabitants of the favela where we work. Its members understand the favela’s needs and are actively involved in the project. They know the inhabitants. The Foundation is truly a loyal partner. SCROLL