885 Penguin Pingüino Pingouin Pinguin Pinguino Pinguim Hat, body and *booties | Gorro, body y *patucos | Chapeau, body et *chaussons | Hut, Body und *Babyschuhe | Cappello, body e *babbucche | Chapéu, body e *carapins. 208053 208054 208055 0-6 M 7-12 M* 12-24 M* Butterfly Mariposa Papillon Schmetterling Farfalla Borboleta Hat, body and *booties and wings | Gorro, body, *patucos y alas | Chapeau, body, *chaussons et ailes | Hut, Body und *Babyschuhe, Flügel | Cappello, body, *babbucche e ali | Chapéu, body e *carapinss e asas. 208056 208057 208058 0-6 M 7-12 M* 12-24 M*