206 2025 > HAPPY HALLOWEEN Little Devil Pequeño Diablo Diablotin Teufelchen Piccolo Diavolo Pequeno Diabrete Hat, onesie, cape, tail and boot covers | Gorro, pelele, capa, cola y patucos | Bonnet, grenouillère, cape, queue et chaussons | Mütze, Strampler, Umhang, Schwanz und Schühchen | Berretto, tutina, mantella, coda e babbucce | Gorro, babygrow, capa, cauda e carapins. 206286 206287 12-24 M 3-4 Y Little Pumpkin Pequeña Calabaza Petite Citrouille Kleiner Kürbis Piccola Zucca Pequena Abóbora Hat, onesie, tights and booties | Gorro, pelele, mallas y patucos | Bonnet, grenouillère, leggings et chaussons | Mütze, Strampler, Strümpfe und Schühchen | Berretto, tutina, collant e babbucce | Gorro, babygrow, collants e carapins. 206288 206289 12-24 M 3-4 Y